Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Cariboo-Chilcotin Crime Reduction Unit will continue through 2019 / 2020

Courtesy of the Williams Lake RCMP:

The CC-CRU or Cariboo-Chilcotin Crime Reduction Unit, based out of Williams Lake in May 2017. Since the creation of the unit, they have:

• 330 investigations with 218 charges recommended to the BC Prosecution Service for approval.
• 82 weapons seized from offenders and locations throughout the region
• Arrested 33 offenders from other jurisdictions on outstanding arrest warrants
• 16 prolific offender investigations with 41 charges being recommended of which 38 charges have currently been approved and are before the courts
The CC-CRU staff, equipment and training have resulted in a more effective approach to targeting offenders said Insp Jeff Pelley OIC Williams Lake RCMP. CC-CRU resources strategically complement current detachment resources in their enforcement strategies, thus allowing a more comprehensive approach to enforcement
CC­CRU has alleviated pressures on the General Duty officers, resulting in an increase in productivity related to general calls for service to the public and more effective engagement with schools and youth.

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