Saturday, April 13, 2019

Cariboo RD appoints new VFD and SAR chiefs

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District Board has appointed Chiefs for the regional district’s 14 volunteer fire departments (VFD) and Central Cariboo Search and Rescue. Each department holds an election for the position and the Board appoints the Chief for a three-year term. Wildwood VFD held an election for Chief and the remaining Chiefs were acclaimed.

“Welcome to our new Fire Chiefs – Chris Haddad at 108 Mile, Jim Sales at Ten Mile, Lance Wilkins at West Fraser, and Brad Elliott at Wildwood – and congratulations to all our returning Chiefs,” states CRD Chair Margo Wagner. “Our Board and staff are looking forward to working with our new slate of Chiefs over the next three years.”

“I also want to say thank you to our outgoing Chiefs for their dedication, many of them have served their communities for many years and continue to volunteer as department members. The service and commitment of all our fire and search and rescue department members and Chiefs is tremendous and we cannot say thank you enough.”

The Board appointed the following Chiefs from April 1, 2019, until March 31, 2022:

The Regional District has also welcomed Kathy Ferguson as its Regional Fire Services Supervisor. Kathy will be working closely with all the CRD’s fire and search and rescue departments to support their administrative, financial and training needs.

The CRD’s Protective Services department provides a variety of services throughout the Cariboo Chilcotin, including 9-1-1, emergency planning, search and rescue, highway rescue and structural fire protection.

For more information about the CRD’s VFDs or information about joining these groups of dedicated volunteers, visit

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