Friday, May 31, 2019

Collective Agreement Ratified for IUOE Local 882-B

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake and the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 882-B have ratified the terms of a new five-year Collective Agreement covering outside and inside workers. The settlement provides for wage increases totaling 10% over the five years of the contract at 2% each year. These adjustments are generally aligned with inflation projections.
“I’d like to thank the bargaining team for their work. Both the City and the Union worked extremely well together,” stated Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb. “Bargaining was successful with a 92% member vote on ratification. The contract is the product of working together to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome, and we look forward to continuing our positive working relationship.”
The collective bargaining process was completed on May 21, 2019, which presented employees ample time to review the proposed agreement before voting. The current agreement is in effect until June 30, 2019, with the new agreement starting July 1, 2019. The City’s bargaining team included Ashley Williston (Director of Human Resources), Gary Muraca (Director of Municipal Serivces), Vitali Kozubenko (Chief Financial Officer), Councillor Scott Nelson, and Councillor Jason Ryll. The Union’s bargaining team included Adrian David (Business Manager of IUOE Local 882), Rob Warnock (Chief Shop Steward), Cindy Walters (Shop Steward), & Scott Novakowski (Shop Steward).
Williams Lake City Councillor Scott Nelson stated,“the bargaining teams worked hard together to negotiate an affordable settlement that protects citizens’ interests and provides fair, equitable and competitive compensation to employees. I know I can speak for the rest of Council when I say that we deeply appreciate our relationship with the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 882-B and the strong dedication of City of Williams Lake employees.”
“We value and appreciate the work of all City employees, and are pleased that we have reached a fair agreement.  Our relationship with the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 882-B is built on mutual respect and trust, it was truly a team effort from both sides of the table, ” added Ashley Williston, Director of Human Resources.

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