Friday, May 17, 2019

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of May 21-24

With the upcoming Victoria Day long weekend -- local governments in the Cariboo-Chilcotin will have a short meeting week as follows:

Quesnel - Financial Sustainability/Audit Committee/Regular Meeting on Tuesday, May 21st at 3pm in the Fraser Room (4th Floor - 410 Kinchant St).  On the Agenda:

* Downtown Signage
* Fleet Policy and Funding

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Committee of the Whole session on Tuesday, May 21st at 6pm in the Rick Hansen Boardroom (Basement - 450 Mart St).  On the Agenda:

* Delegations (2) -- Chrissie Gertzen, Bob Sunner, Heidi Strong, Carl Johnson and Willie Dye re: Stampede Street Party 2019 Proposal & Barb Stewart, Tammy Schellenberg and Jane Folka, Williams Lake Trail Riders Association re Water Leak and Billing

* No Parking - Second Avenue North from Gibbon Street to Comer Street
* Discontinuation of Memorial Bench Program
* Additional Janitorial Request at TDC
* Ladder Truck Replacement - Early Budget Approval
* Request for Sidewalks - Fourth Avenue North, 500-700 Blocks
* Highway 97 & Toop Road Project Additions
* Well-Being and Community Safety Strategic Plan
* Situation Table

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District - Meetings as noted below:

Central Cariboo Joint Committee - Regular Meeting on Wednesday, May 22nd at 5:30pm in the CRD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake).  On the Agenda:

* Esler Recreation Advisory Commission - 2019 Spring Meeting Minutes and Recommendations
* Discussion Items:

a) All Nations Pow-Wow/2020 Williams Lake Stampede (Dir Delainey)
b) Boat Launches on Williams Lake (Dir Delainey)
c) Joint Committee Terms of Reference/Meeting Logistics (Dir Forseth)

View the full Agenda here

Policy Committee - Regular Meeting on Thursday, May 23rd at 6pm in the CRD Boardroom.  On the Agenda:

* Rescind Policy No. 2016-06B-16 - P1.6 Volunteer Chief, Deputy Chief and Training Officer Recruitment and Retention Bonus
* Cariboo Regional District Cannabis Policy
* Best Practice – Electoral Area Alternate Directors
* Directors’ Electronic Device Policy
* Directors’ Electronic Device – Software, Hardware and Support Policy

View the full Agenda here

CC Regional Hospital District Board - Regular Meeting on Friday, May 24th at 9:30am in the CRD Boardroom.  On the Agenda:

* UBC - Rural Evidence Review Project
* Northern Health - Fourth Quarter 2018-2019 Capital Status Reports
* Northern Health Capital Funding Request – GR Baker Emergency Room/Intensive Care Addition
* Review of Three Year Commitment to Recruitment and Retention and the Northern Medical Programs Trust

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo RD Board - Regular Meeting on Friday, May 24th at 9:45am or upon adjournment of the CCRHD Board, whichever occurs first, in the CRD Boardroom.  On the Agenda:

* 3 Delegations -- Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association (CCCTA); National Energy Board and Regional Entomologist and Williams Lake District Manager re: Regional Bark Beetles
* Land Use Matters
* Committee Minutes/Recommendations
* 2 Community Works Fund Agreements for Big Lake/Lone Butte areas
* 2018 Statement of Financial Information Annual Report
* Request for Comments on Name Change Proposals submitted by the Tŝilhqot'in National Government
* Requests from Area 'A' Director M. Sjostrom re: Funding Support for Access BC and Feasibility Study for Streetlighting in Maple Drive area
* In-Camera Session, as per Section 90(1k - negotiations) of the Community Charter

View the full Agenda here


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