Thursday, May 16, 2019

McLeese Lake FireSmart Meeting

 Picture on Left - Steve Forseth, Cariboo RD Area 'D' Director

Last night - 25 Area 'D' residents', primarily in the McLeese Lake area... took into a presentation from Cariboo Fire Centre reps regarding how to Fire Smart your own property at the McLeese Lake Community Hall

After acknowledging the traditional indigenous lands of the Northern Shuswap peoples and acknowledging  the presence of my predecessor, 2008-2014 CRD Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff; the Cariboo Fire Centre reps presented a 1 hour presentation on the benefits of FireSmart for the community of McLeese Lake and answered questions of residents'

Many residents' afterwards thanked me for arranging this presentation and felt the meeting was worthwhile from an education point of view....

As I stated at the meeting - the Regional District is aware of the need to help residents' to FireSmart their property and the acute need to have a modern Community Wildfire Protection Plan or CWPP and are working hard to make that happen.... both on the CWPP and helping individual property owners to FireSmart their property via no charges to bring wood waste to your local CRD Transfer Station

Thank you to everyone who made the meeting.  I have asked for permission to receive a copy of the presentation.  If it is granted -- I will be sharing among my social media channels...

Some other FireSmart resources:

1) FireSmart Canada -- click here
2) BC FireSmart materials -- click here


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