Wednesday, May 8, 2019

NCLGA 2019 - Day 3 of 5

Today is Day 3 of 5 of the 2019 North Central Local Government Association's (NCLGA) AGM/Convention and the official start to the 2019 NCLGA AGM/Convention

On the agenda today:

* Opening Ceremonies including annual reports by the 2018-19 NCLGA President Gord Klaassen and UBCM President Arjun Singh
* Plenary Sessions -- Emerging Trends & Opportunities for North Central BC; The Business of Tourism in Northern British Columbia; Rail Transportation Panel; Resolutions Writing 101 and Species at Risk: Community Impacts & Solutions

* Keynote Lunch Address by UNBC President Dr Kevin Weeks -- UNBC Destination 2040

Full details can be viewed here


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