Thursday, May 9, 2019

NCLGA Board for 2019-20 term

Earlier today -- NCLGA delegates voted for the 2019-20 North Central Local Government Association's (NCLGA) Board of Directors'.  Once voting was completed - once in the morning to select a 2nd Vice-President and once in the afternoon to select 3 Directors' at Large from 4 candidates - the following individuals comprise the new NCLGA Board of Directors' for the 2019-2020 term:

1) President - RDFFG Area 'C' Director Lara Beckett
2) 1st Vice President - Fraser Lake Mayor Sarrah Storey
3) 2nd Vice-President - Prince George City Councillor Cori Ramsay
4) Past President -- Fort St John Councillor Gord Klassen
5) Directors' at Large:

a) City of Terrace Councillor Lynne Christensen
b) Cariboo RD Area 'D' Director Steve Forseth
c) Town of Fort St James Councillor Judy Greenaway

The six Regional District Boards' in the NCLGA Region appoint their representatives to the NCLGA Board annually.  The regional district appointees are as follows:

Cariboo Regional District - Cariboo RD Area 'C' Director John Massier
Fraser - Fort George Regional District - RDFFG Area 'H' Director Danielle Alan
Bulkley-Nechako Regional District - Houston Mayor Shane Brienen
Peace River Regional District - PRRD Area 'D' Director Leonard Hiebert
Northern Rockies Regional Municipality -- Councillor Lorraine Gerwing
North Coast Regional District- Prince Rupert Mayor Lee Brain

The new NCLGA Board of Directors' takes over upon adjournment of the 64th (2019) Annual Convention of the North Central Local Government Association which occurs tomorrow afternoon!


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