Thursday, June 27, 2019

CCRHD Board Highlights - June 27th mtg

Present: Vice-Chair A. Richmond; Directors M. Sjostrom, B. Bachmeier, J. Massier, S. Forseth, A. Delainey, M. LeBourdais, J. Glassford, G. Kirby, C. Mernett, W. Macdonald, G. Fourchalk, W. Cobb, S. Watson and Alternate Directors M. Pinkney (100 Mile House), L.Roodenburg (Quesnel) and S. Hart (Area H)

Meeting called to order at 9:30am

The Vice-Chair welcomed Alternate Directors Hart (Area H), Roodenburg (Quesnel) and Pinkney (100 Mile House) to today's meeting of the CCRHD Board and acknowledged that the meeting today is taking place on the traditional territory of the Northern Secwepemc (Shuswap) people

Meeting Agenda approved and minutes of the June 7th CCRHD Board Meeting were received/adopted

Memorandum of Business - Delegations was received by the Board


1) The Board received the Hospital Consent Calendar, as of June 27th, 2019

2) The Board gave Capital Expenditure Bylaw #160, 2019 (GR Baker Memorial Hospital – X-Ray Equipment) 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings and Adoption

3) The Board received a News Release from Interior Health, dated June 6, 2019, advising that the Partnership Accord with seven interior Nations and Interior Health has been renewed through 2024

4) After some time, the Board deferred consideration of an invitation from Northern Health for a representative from the CCRHD to join the GR Baker Emergency Department/Intensive Care Unit Capital Project Advisory Committee until the Vice-Chair can contact the Chair about representation from City of Quesnel on this Committee

5) The Board received Interior Health's Capital Projects and Planning Status Reports for May 2019

The Board recessed at 9:43am
The Board resumed at 12:48pm

The Board resumed consideration of a request from Northern Health for a representative from the CCRHD to join the GR Baker Emergency Department/Intensive Care Unit Capital Project Advisory Committee and agreed, by majority voteto appoint the CCRHD Chair (Bob Simpson) to this Committee

The Board adjourned at 12:54pm

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