Monday, June 10, 2019

Emergency Notification System sign up week a success

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Throughout the month of May, 513 residents registered for the Cariboo Chilcotin Emergency Notification System bringing the total number of subscribers to nearly 15,500. Local governments in the Cariboo held a promotional drive for the emergency notification system in May focused around a sign-up week from May 13-17.
For those who missed the sign-up week, it’s not too late. Residents can register for the emergency notification system throughout the year and local governments are always available to assist those who need help to register. People who have already registered should log into their profile annually to make sure their contact information and addresses are current.
During the promotional drive, most people registered themselves online with a small group of people calling or visiting their local government for assistance. In addition to new subscribers, 80 people logged into their existing profile to update their information during the month of May.
The following chart shows a breakdown of new subscribers by area. (Note: The numbers in the columns don’t add up because people can subscribe to more than one category.)
If you haven’t already registered, sign up today to receive notifications about emergency and time-sensitive events happening near your home, work, school, or other locations. Visit your local government’s website to sign up and click on the “Register for Emergency Notifications” icon (Wells residents should currently visit
If you’ve already registered, don’t sign up again; rather, log into your profile to make sure your contact information and addresses are up-to-date.
If you need help registering or updating your profile, contact your local government. The system is available to all residents free of charge through a partnership with the Cariboo Regional District, 100 Mile House, Quesnel, Wells and Williams Lake.
  • Cariboo Regional District – or call 250-392-3351 – Toll free 1-800-665-1636
  • District of 100 Mile House – or call 250-395-2434
  • City of Quesnel – or call 250-992-2111
  • District of Wells – or call 250-994-3330
  • City of Williams Lake – or call 250-392-2311

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