Monday, June 24, 2019

Peace River RD on Lekstrom Report

Courtesy of the Peace River Regional District:

The Honourable John Horgan, Premier has released a response to the report submitted by his appointed liaison to the region, Blair Lekstrom, regarding the caribou recovery draft agreements and consultation process.

The Peace River Regional District (PRRD) advocated for improved stakeholder consultation throughout 2018 and early 2019. The PRRD is pleased that Premier Horgan allowed the additional time needed for Mr. Lekstrom to undertake additional targeted consultation to inform his report to the Premier, and that the report was received and considered prior to moving toward signing the Section 11 agreement.

The Premier’s announcement of a temporary moratorium on new resource development was accompanied by a stated intent to continue to consult with the region. This is a very positive development and an indication that the PRRD’s perseverance in advocating for transparent and meaningful consultation was heard.

Peace region communities value their economies and the lifestyles they enjoy, both of which intersect with the natural environment shared with the caribou. The PRRD is committed to participate fully in the continued engagement with stakeholders and affected communities suggested by Premier Horgan to find a made in the Peace solution to the challenge of balancing recovery of species at risk with the need to maintain vibrant economic opportunities and a high quality of life in the region.

The PRRD will continue to work with public and all levels of government to minimize negative social and economic impacts in our communities resulting from species at risk protection and recovery efforts.

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