Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Quesnel Council Highlights - June 25th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Mental Health and Wellness Supports
Council has approved office space, at no charge, at 345 Anderson Drive (previous Community Policing Access Centre), and up to $5,000 to outfit this office, for a two-year mental health and wellness capacity-building pilot for the community. The Canadian Mental Health Association (“CMHA”) will fund the personnel for this two-year mental health and wellness pilot of one full time Clinical Program Coordinator/Clinician position and one part time administrative support position. This pilot will focus on strengthening capacity for community based mental health and psychosocial services and supports for adults, children, youth and families who live in Quesnel and surrounding areas. Hours of operation will be 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday.
Corporation’s 2018 Annual Report
Council approved the City’s 2018 Annual Report. Included in this report are the:
Message from the Mayor, Information on City Council Members and Council Committee Appointments
Corporate Statements (Vision, Mission, Principles and Values)
Message from the City Manager and Organizational Chart of City Departments
2018 Strategic Plan and Measures
2019 Strategic Plan
Consolidated Financial Reports
This report is available on the City’s website, and the main lobby at City Hall.
2018 Annual Drinking Water Report*
The City's 2018 Annual Drinking Water Report is now available for the public on the City’s website and at City Hall main lobby. This report describes the water system and provides a summary of water quality testing and water management during 2018.
*Important Note for 2019 Drinking Water
In May 2019 Health Canada updated the maximum acceptable concentration (“MAC”) of manganese in the Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines to 0.12 mg/L following a review based on assessing all identified health risks associated with manganese in drinking water. Establishing the value of the MAC is based on the most sensitive population which is infants. It is recommended by Health Canada that an alternate source of water be used when mixing infant formula where manganese levels exceed the guideline.
Water samples for manganese at the City water wells vary between 0.014 mg/L and 0.582 mg/L. Expanded water sampling for manganese at additional locations is now underway and Northern Health has been engaged regarding the updated guidelines.
Smoking Regulation Bylaw Amendment
Council gave the first three readings of the proposed Smoking Regulation Bylaw No. 1871 that will prohibit smoking tobacco/cannabis and vaping in the following downtown streets and sidewalks once adopted:
  • St. Laurent Avenue and Barlow Avenue - 100 to 400 Block
  • Reid Street - 200 to 400 Blocks
Next steps include:
  • Council to consider final adoption of this proposed Bylaw at the next Council meeting scheduled for either July 16 (If Required), or July 30, 2019.
  • Once Bylaw 1871 has been adopted, the City’s Bylaw Enforcement staff will strategically enforce the new no-smoking/vaping areas by educating the public of this new policy.
  • Fines are:
    • $50 for smoking/vaping in the designated areas of St. Laurent Avenue, Barlow Avenue and Reid Street;
    • $50 for smoking cannabis in any manner on all publicly owned land and facilities, including all public right of ways.
  • 1870 – Minimum Rental Property Standards (Maintenance Bylaw) – Final Adoption
  • 1871 – Smoking Regulations Amendment Bylaw (Prohibits Smoking/Vaping in Specific Downtown Areas) – First, Second, Third Readings
Next Meetings
  • 6:00 pm – July 16, 2019 - Regular Council Meeting – City Hall/Council Chambers
  • 6:00 pm – July 30, 2019 - Regular Council Meeting – City Hall/Council Chambers

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