Monday, July 22, 2019

2019 Tyee Lake Community Association AGM

New Tyee Lake Community Building
This past Saturday - I had the honour to attend my 4th Tyee Lake Community Association AGM

It was great to "check-in" with the locals and to get a look at the progress on the Tyee Lake Community Buiilding.  This building will house the assets for the Tyee Lake Fire Department along with space for the Tyee Lake Community Association

Annual reports were provided by the Tyee Lake Fire Department Chief & the President of the Tyee Lake Community Association President - Maureen Straza.

I too provided an annual report in my capacity as the local Cariboo RD Area Director.  Topics covered included:

* Congratulations on major progress on new Tyee Lake Community Building...

* Continuing concerns around how Tyee Lake was brought into Building Inspection with no say back in 2006 - further discussion with myself, Tyee Lake community members will take place as to next steps....

* Upcoming Review of the Cariboo RD's Solid Waste Plan, commencing in 2020
* Investigating feasibility of bringing Recycling to the McLeese Lake Transfer Station - should be something to announce this Fall

* Meeting with BC Assessment this fall to investigate feasibility of excluding Tyee Lake Community Building from Property Taxation - similar to arrangements for Fire Halls like Big Lake

* Work with Tyee Lake Community Association Executive on Grant Opportunities to complete construction of the Tyee Lake Community Building

All in All - it was a great day to visit Tyee Lake on a sunny Saturday!


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