Friday, July 19, 2019

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - July 19th mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner/Vice-Chair J. Massier and Directors M. Sjostrom, B. Bachmeier, S.Forseth, A. Delainey, M. LeBourdais, A. Richmond, J. Glassford, G. Kirby, C. Mernett, W. Macdonald, G. Fourchalk, M. Campsall and W. Cobb

Meeting called to order at 9:45am

The Chair acknowledged that today's Cariboo RD Board Meeting was being held on traditional Northern Shuswap territory

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the June 27th, 2019 Cariboo RD Board Meeting were received/adopted

Delegations MOB was received/adopted


Development Services:

1) The Board gave 1st/2nd Readings to Central Cariboo Rural Land Use Area Amendment Bylaw No. 5215, 2019 (Area E/Richards - 2511 Chimney Lk Rd)

2) Due to a vote mishap at the June 27th Board Meeting, Chair Wagner required the Planning Service Stakeholders (Rural Directors only) to revote on the following 2 Planning Bylaws in relation to Cannabis for their 1st and 2nd Readings:

a) Chilcotin Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5217, 2019
b) Williams Lake Fringe and 150 Mile House Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5219, 2019

Board Divided - Motions for 1st/2nd Readings agreed to by the following Stakeholder - Planning Service (Rural Directors) Vote:

Affirmative - Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Massier, Delainey, LeBourdais, Richmond, Wagner, Glassford, Kirby, Mernett and Macdonald

Negative - Director S. Forseth (Area D)

3) Following a Public Hearing - the Board gave 3rd Reading to Central Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5197, 2019 (Area F/Hooker - 3395 Big Lake Road)

4) Following a Public Hearing - the Board gave 3rd Reading to South Cariboo Area Amendment Bylaw No. 5207, 2019 (Area L/Buchanan - 6205 & 6209 Garrett Road)

5) The Board received the Building Permit Statistics Report, Municipalities Building Permit Statistics Report and the Inspection Activity Report for June 2019

Environmental Services:

1) At the request of the Manager of Environmental Services, the Board authorized $88,500 be withdrawn from the Community Works Fund for the required infrastructure upgrades to the Red Bluff Sewer System

Community Services:

1) The Board authorized that the restrictive covenant on the property title for the McLeese Lake Community Hall lands in favour of the Cariboo Regional District be amended from “public recreation use” to “community use” to allow for construction and operation of a fire hall; and further, that the intent to amend this covenant be advertised as necessary.

2) The Board authorized up to $20,000 from the 2019 Community Hall Improvements envelope of the Community Works Fund for energy efficiency upgrades at Alexandria Community Hall in Electoral Area 'A' and funding be leveraged with a NDIT Application to the NDIT Community Hall Funding Program with a resolution of support from the Board

3) The Board authorized that the Esler Sports Complex Field Maintenance Agreements be renewed for an additional 3 years...

4) The Board authorized a letter of support for the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC for a letter of support for its lake access improvement project.


1) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of June 2019, in the amount of $2,246,913.58

2) At the request of the Tyee Lake Community Association, the Board authorized a $1,000 Grant for Assistance (Year Round Intake) 2019 Tyee Lake Community Association AGM/BBQ event with funding to be provided by the Area D Grant for Assistance (Year Round Intake) Fund

3) The Board received a Year Round Intake Grant for Assistance application from the Central Interior 4H Council and took no further action


1) The Board received the Consent Calendar, as of July 19th

Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

1) The Board received minutes from the following CRD Committees or Commissions:

a) South Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus - June 20th meeting
b) South Cariboo Joint Committee - June 20th meeting
c) Central Cariboo Joint Committee - June 19th meeting
d) Policy Committee - June 26th meeting

2) The Board endorsed recommendations from the following CRD Committees or Commissions:

a) South Cariboo Joint Committee (June 20th meeting) -- Rename South Cariboo Recreation Service to South Cariboo Culture and Recreation Service

b) Central Cariboo Joint Committee (June 19th meeting) -- Appointments to City/CRD Indoor Turf Facility Technical Committee

c) Policy Committee (June 26th meeting) -- Changes to Administration Charges Policy (allocation of admin costs for new Emergency Operations Centre & Admin Allocation Policy Review in Jan 2020); CAO Evaluation Policy Amendment and Unsightly Premises Policy

Corporate Bylaws:

1) The Board gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to the following Bylaws:

a) Interlakes Area Fire Protection Service Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 5232, 2019
b) Electoral Area E Economic Development Service Establishment Bylaw No. 5235, 2019

2) The Board adopted the following Bylaws:

a) Cariboo Regional District Security Issuing (Kersley Fire) Bylaw No. 5227, 2019
b) Cariboo Regional District Security Issuing (Lone Butte Fire) Bylaw No. 5228, 2019
c) Cariboo Regional District Security Issuing (Forest Grove Fire) Bylaw No. 5229, 2019
d) South Cariboo Recreation Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 5231, 2019
e) West Fraser Fire Protection Service Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 5226, 2019

Director's Items:

1) The Board received a discussion item from Director A. Delainey (Area E) in regards to rail ties and that a letter be forwarded to BC Hydro thanking them for the permit and requesting that the Clean Energy Act remain in place.

Discussion suspended until after Delegations


At 11:11am - Chief Russell Myers Ross (Yunesit'in Government, TNG Co-Chair), Councillor David Setah (Xeni Gwet'in First Nations Government) and Dalton Baptiste (Band Manager, Xeni Gwet'in First Nations) appeared before the Board to provide an update on TNG activities, including the Dasiqox Tribal Park Initiative.

A Question and Answer Period ensued...

The Chair, on behalf of the Board, thanked the delegation for their time/information

Business, cont:

Director's Items, cont:

The Board resumed consideration of a discussion item and letter brought forward by Director A. Delainey (Area E)

Resolved - That the item be referred to Staff for a report back to the Board at its' August meeting

Meeting recessed at 11:56am for lunch
Board resumed at 12:42pm

2) At the request of Director S. Forseth (Area D) -- the Board agreed to forward a letter of support for the Community Energy Association's Rural Dividend Fund application of $500,000 for their Charge North project

Chair's Report:

The Board received a report from Chair Wagner's Activity Report for the period ending July 17th, 2019

Closed Board Meeting:

At  12:43pm -- the Board held an In-Camera Meeting as per Sections 90(1a/k - appointment and negotiations) of the Community Charter

Resume Open Board Meeting:

At 12:49pm -- the Board resumed its' public meeting

Directors' reported on their recent activities in their Electoral Area or Municipality

The Board agreed to adjourn at 1:22pm...

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