Friday, July 12, 2019

Damage assessments begin for Chilcotin Flooding

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

With flood waters receding in the Chilcotin, the Cariboo Regional District Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) is focusing on damage assessments and recovery. The EOC also continues to support residents without road access.
The Ministry of Transportation and its road contractors continue with road repairs. Currently, less than a dozen residents remain without road access. The EOC is supporting those residents with food and water as needed. If residents have needs and have not connected with the EOC, they should call 1-866-759-4977.
Over the next three days, EOC staff are flying through the flood-impacted areas in the Chilcotin and visiting properties to conduct damage assessments of residential structures. Damage assessments provide the basis for the CRD’s and the provincial government’s recovery planning.
Residents need to report agricultural impacts
Impacted residents need to call the EOC at 1-866-759-4977 to talk to the Agriculture Liaison and report their agriculture impacts. This phone call will start the process for receiving assistance from the Ministry of Agriculture. Ranchers and producers do not need to have a full assessment of damages; they just need to call to start the process.
Travel in area discouraged
Non-residents should avoid travelling in the flood-impacted areas in the Chilcotin. Please check the Drive BC website and the Forest District webpage (forest service roads) for the latest updates on road access.
The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development also advises not all Forest Service Roads or other Forest Roads managed by Timber Tenure Holders have been assessed following the recent rain event. Other hazards may exist and may not be visible to road users. Attempting to cross damaged roads, bridges or sections affected by mudslides or landslides is not recommended.
Resource road users should make a plan before travelling the back roads. Please ensure you either have a means of communication like a satellite phone or have shared your route and return time with another person and have a plan for what to do if you are overdue.

More information
Find more information on flood preparedness, current freshet conditions and emergency updates at:
Residents are strongly encouraged to register for the Cariboo Chilcotin Emergency Notification System to receive a text, call or email regarding Evacuation Alerts and Orders or other emergency updates:

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