Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Forseth seeks Electoral Area rep position on UBCM Executive for 2019/20 term

Cariboo RD Director S. Forseth's
nomination to UBCM Executive as
Electoral Area Director rep. for the
2019/2020 term
This past Monday, with the support of my Cariboo RD Areas E/K Director colleagues (Angie Delainey/Chad Mernett), I submitted my application for the position of Electoral Area Director representative on the UBCM or Union of BC Municipalities Executive for the 2019/2020 term

This was necessary as RDFFG (Regional District of Fraser Fort George) Chair and the current 2018/19 UBCM Electoral Area rep, Art Kaehn, informed me that he would not seek re-election this fall at the 2019 UBCM Convention as various positions, except Past President, reps from the 5 Area Associations and Metro Vancouver RD, are up for annual election at the UBCM Convention

Chair Kaehn has held this position since 2012 and I'm sure that I would speak for all Electoral Area Directors' in BC that we all collectively thank him for his dedication to this position and represent us all on the UBCM Executive and elsewhere

My decision was arrived at - after receiving word from Chair Kaehn about his intent to not seek re-election to the UBCM Executive and after discussions with many of my Electoral Area Director colleagues in the North Central and Southern Interior Local Government Associations' areas

In the month of August - I will be writing to all 155 Electoral Area Directors' in BC, introducing myself, why I'm running for the position and what I hope to accomplish on their behalf, if elected.... and I'm sure continuing those conversations at #UBCM2019/2019 Union of BC Municipalities Convention from Sept 23-27, 2019 in the City of Vancouver


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