Wednesday, August 14, 2019

2019 UBCM Annual Report/Resolutions Book released!

Yesterday - the Union of BC Municipalities or UBCM released on its' website the 2018-19 Annual Report and the 2019 Resolutions Book, both of which will be considered at #UBCM2019 or the 2019 UBCM Convention being held in Vancouver from September 23-27, 2019.  There will be 276 Resolutions for consideration by UBCM Delegates.  Resolutions are normally grouped as follows:

* Resolutions (3) sponsored by the UBCM Executive -- Provincial Consultation with Local Governments; Modernizing Development Financing and Pre-Hospital Emergency Services

* Resolutions from the 5 Area Associations -- North Central Local Government Association; Southern Interior Local Government Association; Association of Kootenay/Boundary Local Governments; Lower Mainland Local Government Association and Association of Vancouver Island/Coastal Communities

* Resolutions from BC's Local Governments direct to UBCM

In terms of UBCM Resolutions from Cariboo-Chilcotin Local Governments:

* Cariboo RD has submitted 9 UBCM Resolutions
* City of Quesnel has submitted 1 UBCM Resolution (Downloading of Responsibility for Emergency Services)
* City of Williams Lake has submitted 1 UBCM Resolution (Crime Statistics)

Neither the Districts of Wells/100 Mile House submitted an UBCM Resolution(s) for consideration

Read the UBCM Annual Report/Resolutions Book here


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