Thursday, August 8, 2019

BC Legislature releases its' 2020 Budget Recommendations

Courtesy of the BC Legislature's Finance/Government Service Committee:

Editor's Note -- while none of the 107 Recommendations relate to local government directly, they do relate to a number of topics like Justice, Tourism, Resource Development, etc which local governments have previously or continue to lobby the Provincial Government for...


The Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services released its unanimous report on the Budget 2020 Consultation today. The report includes 106 recommendations for the next provincial budget and provides a summary of the concerns and priorities put forward by British Columbians.

“The committee is grateful to everyone who took the time to share their views and bring attention to the challenges and opportunities facing the province,” said Committee Chair Bob D’Eith. “Several issues emerged as key areas for action, including providing comprehensive supports to youth formerly in care, and advancing water sustainability.”

“Committee members also recognize the critical challenges facing the forestry sector and the need to support affected workers and communities,” added deputy chair Dan Ashton. “Ongoing concerns related to resources for addressing invasive species, fish and wildlife conservation and management, and climate change and natural disasters are highlighted as well.”

The budget consultation is typically held every fall. This year, the consultation ran from June 3, 2019 to June 28, 2019 to enable the Committee to deliver its report earlier in the budget process.

During the consultation period, the committee heard 276 presentations at 15 public hearings in communities across British Columbia, and received 496 written submissions and 452 responses to an online survey which was based on questions in the Budget 2020 Consultation Paper released by the Minister of Finance on June 3, 2019.

The report can be viewed here

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