Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Quesnel City Council Highlights - Aug 27th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Canadian Rangers Patrol 2IC – Quesnel Command Team

Paul Nicolls, Patrol Commander, highlighted the role and tasks of the Canadian Rangers.  The Canadian Rangers are a sub-component of the Canadian Army Reserves working in remote, isolated and coastal regions of Canada.  The Canadian Rangers provide lightly-equipped, self-sufficient mobile forces to support the Canadian Armed Forces national security and public safety operations within Canada.  The Canadian Rangers protect Canada by:  conducting patrols; reporting unusual activities or sightings; collect local data for the Canadian Armed Forces; performing sovereignty or national security duties; assisting in search and rescue efforts; assist with natural disasters such as forest fires and floods, etc.  Currently, there are approximately 5000 Canadian Rangers, living in 200 plus Canadian communities, and speaking 26 different languages/dialects, many of these Indigenous.  For more information regarding the Quesnel Canadian Rangers Patrol, please contact Paul Nicolls at .

Carbon/Climate Initiative

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program (“MCIP”), has provided 85% funding, with the City utilizing the City’s Carbon Reserve to fund the remaining 15% of a two-year Carbon/Climate Initiative Coordinator position for the City, with Kyle Aben filling this role.  Coordinator Aben’s presentation highlighted:
  • Why take climate action in Quesnel
  • MCIP Funding
  • MCIP Milestones
  • Quesnel Mitigation Goals
Next steps include MCIP milestones timeline*:
  • Milestone #1 - Green House Gas (“GHG”) Inventory of City and Community – August, 2019 - Completed
  • Milestone #2 - GHG emission reduction targets set – October 2019
  • Milestone #3 – Local action plan for reduction projects – February 2019
  • Milestone #4 – Implement GHG reduction projects – November 2020
  • Milestone #5 – Monitor GHG reduction progress – February 2021
*Timeline subject to change.

Nuisance Bylaw

Council gave the first three readings for the proposed City of Quesnel Nuisance Bylaw 1869.  The major changes to the proposed Nuisance Bylaw 1869 are:
  • Amalgamation of the Noise Bylaw into the Nuisance Bylaw
  • Addition of policy on vacant buildings
  • Addition of policy to restrict lying, sitting or loitering in specified downtown areas
  • Addition of policy to charge abatement fees for repeat nuisance calls
  • Addition of restrictions on panhandling under specific conditions as identified nuisance behaviours
Next steps include Council to consider final adoption of this bylaw at the September 3, 2019 Regular Council meeting.


Next Meeting

6 pm – September 3, 2019 – Regular Council Meeting

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