Thursday, August 1, 2019

Steve's Meeting and Expense Calendar - July 2019

In the month of July 2019 -- I attended the following meetings or events:

* July 4th - 100th Anniversary of the Station House Building in Williams Lake along with CRD Areas E/F Directors Angie Delainey & Maureen LeBourdais

* July 9th - Met with the CRD's Manager of Development Services about land use matters in Area 'D' and then attend Barkerville Gold's Public Meeting in the District of Wells regarding their upcoming plans

* July 10th - Attended the July regular meeting of the McLeese Lake Recreation Society

* July 16th - Met with Todd Hubner, Cariboo District Manager, MOTI regarding Area D road concerns and attended a meeting of the Fee for Service Management Committee to make recommendations for CC Arts/Culture Fee for Service Contracts for the period of 2020-2022.  These recommendations will be presented at the September meeting of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee for the Committee's consideration

* July 18th - Met with the McLeese Lake VFD Society regarding their Fire Hall project....

* July 19th - Meetings of the CCRHD/Cariboo RD Boards

* July 20th - Attend the 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Tyee Lake Community Association

* July 22nd - Observed a Broadband announcement at Sugarcane wherein Fiber Internet from Telus will be installed there.  Project to be completed by Summer 2020

* July 23rd - Met with the CRD's CAO/Mgr of Development Services about a Airbnb issue at McLeese Lake.  Matter to be brought forward in January 2020 in a Committee of the Whole format to be further considered by the full Cariboo RD Board...

* July 26 afternoon and July 27th from 8:30am - 3:00pm -- Meetings of the North Central Local Government Association Board of Directors' in Prince George

* July 30th - Met with a Forglen Road resident in regards to forestry concerns in McLeese Lake and then a meeting of the Area 'D' Advisory Planning Commission at the McLeese Lake Community Hall...

On top of the above -- responded to inquiries from Area 'D' residents' via phone, text, email or social media....

As to submitted expenses in the month of July 2019:

* July 19th -- CCRHD/Cariboo RD Board Meetings: $278


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