Wednesday, September 18, 2019

McLeese Lake RCMP Community Meeting

McLeese Lake Community Hall
Sept 18th, 2019 RCMP Community Meeting
Earlier this evening - 23 people from either McLeese Lake/Tyee Lake came to a local meeting with Williams Lake RCMP Inspector Jeff Pelley along with Dave Dickson - City of WL Mgr of Community Safety

For nearly a hour - local residents' expressed concerns about timely response from the RCMP.  Inspector Pelley gave the commitment to review the concerns and make improvements to how the RCMP respond to calls for service to the McLeese Lake Area...

As the CRD Area 'D' Director - I believe it was a worthwhile effort to receive candid feedback about public safety in the community and I would be prepared to do another "check-in" meeting in the future (Spring 2020) to see if things are improving or not...

But thank you for everyone who took the time this evening to participate and provide that honest feedback.  We can't improve services if we don't know what is and is not working...


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