Thursday, September 19, 2019

Quesnel Council Highlights - Sept 17th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Remedial Action Order – 878 Abbott Drive
Council deemed the building located at 878 Abbott Drive to be in an unsafe condition and a nuisance to the community. Council requires the property owner to demolish the building and remove all debris from this property by October 15, 2019 due to health and safety conditions identified by the Chief Building Official and the Bylaw Supervisor. The property owner has the right to have Council reconsider this Remedial Action Order until September 25, 2019. Should the property owner not demolish the building and remove all debris by October 15, 2019, the City will complete the remedial work with the costs of this undertaking added to this property’s tax bill.
Permissive Tax Exemptions
A full review of all non-profit permissive tax exemptions was completed. Council gave the first two bylaw readings to the following bylaws that outlines the names of the non-profit organizations or religious organizations and the total tax exemption proposed for each. The bylaws are:
  • City of Quesnel 2020-2023 Tax Exempting Bylaw No. 1876 of 2019
  • City of Quesnel 2016-2025 Tax Exempting Amendment Bylaw No. 1878 of 2019.
If all current exemptions are given at the same current rates, the estimated total amount of permissive tax exemption is $91,014, or 0.569% of the City’s tax base.
Next steps include the proposed Bylaws coming before Council for consideration to receive third reading and final adoption.
Retail Cannabis Stores
Council gave the first three readings for the proposed City of Quesnel Zone Amendment Bylaw No. 1874 of 2019 that would allow for a maximum of five (5) Retail Cannabis Stores within the City. Council has set a Public Hearing for proposed Bylaw 1874 to be at 6 pm, Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at City Hall Council Chambers.
2020 Council Regular Meeting Schedule
Council approved the 2020 Council Regular Meeting Schedule. This schedule will appear in the September 25, 2019 and October 2, 2019 Quesnel Cariboo Observer newspaper, posted at City Hall Public Posting Areas, and on the City’s website.
  • 1874 – Zone Amendment – Cannabis Retail Stores – Maximum of Five Stores – First and Second Readings and Public Hearing Set to 6 pm, October 1, 2019 at City Hall Council Chambers
  • 1875 – Political Campaign Signs (Designated Political Sign Areas) – Final Adoption
  • 1876 – Permissive Tax Exemptions (Non-Profits 2020 – 2023) – First and Second Readings
  • 1878 – Permissive Tax Exemption Amendment (Religious Schools Services 2016 – 2025) – First and Second Readings
Next Meeting
  • 6 pm – October 1, 2019 – Regular Council Meeting

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