Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Quesnel Council Highlights - Sept 3rd meeting

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Multi-Use Commercial/Residential Development – 726 Front Street
Council approved the Development Permit to the Dakelh and Quesnel Community Housing Society to develop a four-storey, 560.6 m2 (6034.60 ft2) multi-use building at 726 Front Street. The first floor of the building will be commercial, while the three floors above will be residential. Council approved this Development Permit with the following six conditions:
  1. Servicing, Grading and Drainage Plans
  2. Servicing Agreement
  3. Housing Agreement, with Provision for a Good Neighbour Agreement
  4. Landscaping Bond
  5. Paving Off-Street Parking Areas
  6. Parking Variance – From 49 Parking Stalls to a Minimum of 15 (summer) to 12 (winter) stalls
This development will be geared towards low-income indigenous singles, couples and seniors at risk of homelessness in the region.
Next Steps for Potable Water Treatment
Council approved $298,000 from the Water Capital Reserve Fund to fund the design of a Water Treatment System for the City's future potable water system. The objective is to have a grant-ready project developed which will be ready for the submission for the next round of Federal/Provincial infrastructure grant program. As previously reported in the June 25, 2019 Council Highlights, the City’s drinking water no longer meets Health Canada’s maximum acceptable concentration of manganese in the Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines of 0.12 mg/L. Water samples for manganese at the City water wells vary between 0.014 mg/L and 0.582 mg/L. Expanded water sampling for manganese at additional locations is underway and Northern Health has been engaged regarding the updated guidelines.
In addition to the manganese issue, the City does not currently treat to prevent microbiological contamination. Even with the City’s excellent track record of high quality untreated water, the trend from the Health Authorities has been towards chlorination treatment to provide a higher level of assurance of non-contamination.
Next steps for this fall/winter include:
  • Public engagement to let the public learn more about the water treatment options
  • Urban Systems to start design work of a Water Treatment System and pilot testing of the design
Political Campaign Sign Bylaw
Council gave the first three readings for the proposed City of Quesnel Political Campaign Sign Bylaw No. 1875, 2019. The major change to the proposed Political Campaign Sign Bylaw 1875 is for political signs to be posted in the following six areas of the City:
Next steps include Council to consider final adoption of this bylaw at the September 17, 2019 Regular Council meeting.
  • 1869 – Nuisance Bylaw – Final Adoption
  • 1875 – Political Campaign Signs (Designated Political Sign Areas) – First, Second, Third
Next Meeting
  • 6 pm – September 17, 2019 – Regular Council Meeting

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