Monday, September 16, 2019

Strong, Competitive Forestry Future

Courtesy of BC's Council of Forest Industries:

The BC Council of Forest Industries (COFI) today released a plan – “Smart Future: A Path Forward for B.C.’s Forest Products Industry” – with 60 policy choices that can be made today to secure a stronger future for B.C.’s forest sector.

The forest industry has been a cornerstone of the B.C. economy for more than 100 years, generating about 140,000 jobs in our province, including one in four jobs in the manufacturing sector. The industry is currently facing significant challenges that are being felt across the province.

“B.C.’s forest industry is an industry in transition,” said Susan Yurkovich, President and CEO, BC Council of Forest Industries. “The industry is facing somewhat of a perfect storm – an array of market and operating challenges coming together at a time when we are also experiencing a significant structural shift in the availability and cost of fibre. These conditions are forcing difficult decisions, which are impacting workers and communities.”

A number of policy reviews and public consultations are underway to discuss the challenges. COFI and its member companies are actively participating in these discussions along with many other groups.

“In addition to addressing today’s challenges, many people are asking what the future holds for forestry in British Columbia, and where will we be once we have moved through this transition,” commented Yurkovich. “We believe that with the right choices, there is a bright future for the forest industry in B.C. That’s why we are putting forward our ideas for a path forward – one that will help attract investment, secure jobs, deliver value and sustain economic benefits across the province.”

“Some of these policy choices can be implemented by industry, others will require government action, and many will require collective effort from workers, communities, First Nations, academic institutions and all those involved in the sector to build the industry of the future,” added Yurkovich.

The 60 choices for a better future are outlined under five major areas:

Invest in, and protect, our working forest land base
Have smart rules that protect the environment and encourage investment
Strengthen participation of Indigenous people and partnerships with communities
Double down on market and product diversification
Be the global hub for expertise in low-carbon, green building

Read the report from COFI here

Don Kayne, Chair, BC Council of Forest Industries went on to say:

“Industry is ready to work with all partners to put these ideas into action. Working in partnership, we can create the right conditions for a world-leading, globally competitive and innovative manufacturer of high-quality, sustainable products that supports skilled jobs and provides economic benefits for communities, First Nations, and all British Columbians. “

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