Friday, September 6, 2019

TNG Welcomes Injunction Halting Taseko Drilling Program

Courtesy of the Tsilhqotin National Government:

The Tŝilhqot’in Nation welcomes the decision by the BC Supreme Court today, granting an injunction that prohibits Taseko Mines Ltd. (TML) from moving forward with its exploratory drilling program in Teẑtan Biny (Fish Lake) and Nabaŝ (the surrounding area).

The BC Liberal Government granted Taseko a drilling permit in July 2017, on its last day in power. The drilling program aims to advance the New Prosperity Mine – despite the fact that the Federal Government rejected New Prosperity in 2014 and the mine cannot be built as a result. The Federal Government rejected New Prosperity in part because of significant and unavoidable impacts onTŝilhqot’in culture, heritage and rights.

Teẑtan Biny and Nabaŝ is an area of profound cultural and spiritual importance for the Tŝilhqot’inpeoples. Two independent expert panels have confirmed the unique and special significance of thisarea for the Tŝilhqot’in as a place of ceremony and healing, as an active cultural school, as a resting place for ancestors, and as highly valued hunting, trapping and gathering grounds. It is also one of few areas in Canada subject to a court declaration of proven Aboriginal rights.

The Tŝilhqot’in Nation will now have its day in court to prove at trial that the drilling program represents an unjustified infringement of its proven Aboriginal rights. In the meantime, today’sjudgment protects Teẑtan Biny and Nabaŝ from disruption and degradation by TML before a full hearing of this important constitutional issue.

Joe Alphonse, TNG Tribal Chair stated:

The judgment of the BC Supreme Court today reinforces that New Prosperity is a dead project and will never proceed. Taseko has been nothing but disrespectful and the message to them here today is loud and clear – stop threatening our cultural and sacred lands because it’s a battle they aren’tever going to win. That is the way of the past. Industry needs to work with First Nations on projects that support our vision and our way of life; that’s the only way. Taseko is the poster child for what industry should not and cannot do.

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