Friday, October 25, 2019

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - October 25th mtg

Present: Chair M.Wagner/Vice-Chair J. Massier and Directors M. Sjostrom, B. Bachmeier, S. Forseth, A. Delainey, M. LeBourdais, A. Richmond, J. Glassford, G. Kirby, C. Mernett, W. MacDonald, G. Fourchalk, B. Simpson, W. Cobb, and M. Campsall

The Chair called the meeting to order and acknowledged that the meeting was taking place on traditional Northern Shuswap territory

Meeting agenda adopted
Minutes of the October 3rd Special Board and October 4th Regular Board Meetings were received/adopted

Delegations MOB was received and at the request of Director Forseth - the Board agreed to invite representatives from Geo-science BC to provide an information update to the Board


Development Services:

1) The Board received the Cariboo Regional District Building Inspection Statistics Report, Municipalities Building Inspection Statistics Report and the Inspection Activity Report for September 2019

2) The Board received a report from the Manager of Development Services regarding unsightly issues for provincial forfeiture properties

3) The Board gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings and adoption to the following Bylaws:

a) Cariboo Regional District Bylaw Offence Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 5247, 2019
b) Cariboo Regional District 108 Greenbelt Community Use Property Control Bylaw No. 5248, 2019

Environmental Services:

1) The Board received the Refuse Site Inspection Report for July 8, 2019 to September 30, 2019

Community Services:

1) The Board agreed to support an NDIT Grant application from Mica Mountain Snowmobile Club to the Northern Development Initiative Trust for $30,000 in funding from the Community Halls and Recreation Facilities Program in order to purchase a grader to maintain access


1) The Board received a report from the Manager of Communications regarding Electoral Area signs and at the request of Director Forseth (Finance Committee Chair) - it was referred to the Nov 13th Finance/Budget Committee meeting for consideration of inclusion in the 2020 Communications Budget


1) The Board received/ratified the monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and MasterCard Summary Report for the month of September 2019, in the amount of $2,331,678.55

2) The Board received a Grant for Assistance (Year Round Intake) application from the Chimney and Felker Lakes Landholder Association and at the request of Director Delainey - waived Grant for Assistance policy and agreed to provide a Grant in the amount of $1,000 from the Area 'E' Grant for Assistance fund


1) The Board endorsed the presented 2020 Board Meeting Calendar

2) The Board received a letter from the BC Cattlemen’s Association for the CRD to become a service provider for high-speed internet access in rural areas

3) The Board received the Petition Results for the Emerald/Crown Royal Island Parking Service

4) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of October 25th, 2019

5) The Board received responses to Board initiated letters as follows:

a) Response from Federal Minister of Natural Resources to City of PG - Collective Letter from Forestry Dependent Communities
b) Response from BC's Transportation Minister re: West Fraser Road Flood Recovery Project

Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

1) The Board received the following meeting minutes from its' Committees, Rural Caucuses or Commissions

a) North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee - September 10th, 2019 meeting
b) Solid Waste Management Committee - October 3rd, 2019 meeting

Meeting recessed at 10:50am
Meeting resumed at 11:01am


Tami Kendall and Sean Mitchell, from the Caribou Recovery Team for the Ministry of Forests,Lands,Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, provided a planning session,via teleconference on the Tweedsmuir-Entiako,Itcha-Ilgachuz,Rainbows and Charlotte Alplands Caribou Herds to the Board

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair, on behalf of the Board, thanked the delegation for their time/information

Meeting recessed to CCRHD Board at 11:25am
Meeting resumed at 12:41pm

Business, cont:
Committee/Commission Minutes and Recommendations, cont:

c) North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus - October 8, 2019 meeting
d) North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee - October 8, 2019 meeting
e) Executive Committee - October 16, 2019 meeting

2) The Board endorsed recommendations from its' Committees, Rural Caucuses or Commissions as follows:

a) North Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting of September 10th -- That new Royal Canadian Mounted Police recruits and their families receive free admission to the Quesnel & District Arts and Recreation Centre for one year.

Directors' Requests:

1) At the request of Director S. Forseth (Area D) -- the Board authorized access up to $1,600 from the Area 'D' Director Initiative Fund to attend the 2020 BC Natural Resources Forum in Prince George, BC from January 28-30, 2020

2) At the request of Director S. Forseth (Area D) -- the Board discussed a request to withdraw CRD funding of $85,000 provided to the City of Williams Lake for a Central Cariboo Housing Study and that the matter be referred to the November 27th Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting for further discussion

The Board received the Chair's activities report as of October 23rd, 2019

Directors' reported on their activities in their Electoral Area or Municipality

The Board recessed its' open meeting to an Closed Board Meeting as per Sections 90(1a,i,k - appointment, legal advice and negotiations) of the Community Charter at 1:56pm & resumed its' open meeting at 2:10pm

There being no further business, the Board adjourned its' meeting

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