Saturday, October 19, 2019

City of WL launches Budget 2020 Consultation Tool

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake is currently preparing its 2020 budget and 2020-2024 financial plan and would like to encourage all residents to use the online interactive feedback tool for our 2020 budget consultation.

This year, in addition to seeking feedback at both of the scheduled public Committee of Whole Council meetings, October 29th and November 12th, the City continues to expand its engagement platform with the launch of the online budget consultation tool. This interactive tool, allows residents to review the revenues that the City is currently budgeted to collect and the expenditures that are planned for services and programs in our community in 2020. The tool also allows residents to provide valuable input on how they would like to balance City’s budget by adapting the revenues and expenditures to align with your priorities for the City.

The feedback collected from this tool will be provided directly to Council for consideration.

The interactive online budget tool can be found on the City’s website at

Any questions related to the City’s budget consultation can be directed to the Finance Department at 250-392-2311.

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