Friday, October 4, 2019

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of October 7-11

The following local government of the Cariboo-Chilcotin are meeting next week, as follows:

Wells - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, October 8th at 7pm in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Avenue).  No Agenda is currently available

Quesnel - Financial Sustainability/Audit Committee meeting on Tuesday, October 8th at 3pm in the Fraser Room in Quesnel City Hall (4th Floor, 410 Kinchant St).  On the Agenda:

* Council Initiatives Update
* Comprehensive Fees and Bylaw Update
* Purchasing Policy Discussion
* Budget Principles Policy Discussion
* Budget Survey Discussion

View the full Agenda here

Executive Committee meeting on Wednesday, October 9th at 9am in the Fraser Room - Quesnel City Hall.  On the Agenda:

* Food Innovation Hub Update
* QJS School Replacement Update
* Johnston Bridge Update
* Strategic Planning scheduling
* Quesnel Good Cheer Update
* Wellness Working Group Update

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, October 8th at 6pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St).  On the Agenda:

* Appointments of member and Chair to Central Cariboo Housing Committee (Editor's Note -- strongly disappointed that this was not considered jointly with CRD Central Cariboo Rural Directors' at a Joint Committee meeting, given the sub-regional scope of this item and that a City Councillor will be chair.  If sub-regional in scope (and it appears the Committee's mandate is).  Than a 3rd party Chair should have been selected with no connection to either City of WL/CRD

* Development Approval Procedures Bylaw No. 2317, 2019 (1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings)
* New Soil Removal & Deposit Bylaw - (1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings)
* Downtown Revitalization Tax Exemption Application - BC Retail Partners (Boitanio Mall) Ltd. - 800 & 850 Oliver Street
* Email poll of Council -- Support for 2020 Pride in the Puddle Grant Application
* Development Permit Application - DP #04-2019 - PCL Construction (BC Hydro) - New Truck Garage - 835 Second Avenue North
* 2019 CEPF Grant Application - Landfill Flood Mitigation - Stormwater Diversion
* Appointment of City of WL Approving Officer
* Annual Halloween Fireworks Show & Bonfire 2019 - Thursday, October 31st

View the full Agenda here

100 Mile House - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, October 8th at 7pm in 100 Mile House Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue).  On the Agenda:

* Delegation -- Val Bissat, representing the local Communities in Bloom volunteer group will appear before Council to report on the judge’s results of the District’s participation in the 2019 Communities in Bloom program

* By-Law Officer report for the period of September 1st to 30th 2019
* 2019 Santa Parade Street Closure
* Consideration of a number of Bylaws

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District:

 North Cariboo Joint Committee - Regular Meeting on Tuesday, October 8th at 5:30pm at the Quesnel & District Arts/Recreation Centre - 500 North Star Road, Quesnel

On the Agenda:

* Draft Housing Needs Assessment, Gap Analysis & Action Plan
* REVISED DRAFT North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Terms of Reference
* 2020 - 2024 Business Plan and Budget for North Cariboo Recreation/Parks
* Liquor License at West Fraser Centre
* Quesnel Kangaroos - Request to Waive fees at West Fraser Centre
* Quesnel Technics Gymnastics Club - Request to Waive fees at West Fraser Centre

View the full Agenda here


  1. interesting to see that the City of Williams Lake didn't post its minutes from the last Council meeting on the Agenda, instead defaulting to "That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held September 17, 2019 be adopted as circulated." Who were they 'circulated' to and was there something in there that they didn't want anyone reading? Never saw that before so makes one wonder …. what's going on??? Could it be the massive conflict of interest that occurred in one of the votes thinly disguised as "concern" for low income people by one of the biggest landlords in town? 35 ultra modern market-value rental units would be quite a hit to a any business. No one has addressed THAT elephant in the room since the lobbying started.

  2. Thank you for your comments...

    On the question of WL Council Meeting Minutes -- it does sometimes happen that minutes are not ready before the Agenda is required to be publicly published on the Friday afternoon before the Council meeting but the link to the actual minutes are uploaded either the following Monday or Tuesday...

    As for the issue around the low income building on 1st Avenue in Williams Lake and Councillor Scott Nelson's stance on the subject (and ultimately WL City Council's stance) -- you'll have to take that up with them...

    Hope this helps!


  3. Yes, Steve, but if they were available to be previously "circulated" (to Council members, I assume) as stated in the Agenda, why were they not uploaded to the City's website? On the police commission report, it says "back-up to follow." With no such statement on the minutes, seems like there is no intention to provide the minutes to the public; or to provide those minutes after the public has moved on.

  4. Looks like another Williams Lake city council coverup exposed... amateur hour at its finest.

  5. Anonymous:

    In regards to the wording "That the minutes be adopted as circulated"... that is the traditional words to the Motion to adopt previous meeting minutes however minutes are usually not forwarded ahead of a published Meeting Agenda... Council Members see the previous meeting minutes at the same time that the public does..

    As for the Police Commission report and "Backup to follow" - City Staff are required to follow the terms of the WL Council Procedure Bylaw which stipulates that a meeting agenda *IS* to be published by end of business Friday prior to the meeting of Council or Committee of Whole Council on Tuesday. No intention to hide anything but simply Staff ran out of time to publish the information before the deadline. I would expect that the information will be published on Monday or at the latest on Tuesday -- be patient, the information will be published I am sure....

