Thursday, October 31, 2019

Quesnel Council Highlights - Oct 29th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Capital Planning, Utility Rates and Water Treatment Project Review
Rick Collins, P.Eng, and Robert Moore, E.I.T., from Urban Systems presented to Council a PowerPoint on the City’s Capital Planning, Utility Rates and Water Treatment Project Update (“Update”) that focuses on the City’s roads, water, wastewater and storm capital investments.
10-Year Capital Planning
  • The City’s solely-owned fixed assets totals approximately $280 million. Having a sound capital plan is an expectation for the City. A solid capital plan gives the City an advantage in being grant-ready and able to apply for Capital Grant applications when these grant programs become available, that are often with short notice and require design-ready projects.
  • When financing Capital projects, Council and City staff must consider where the funding is coming from, costs, and cost recovery. Council and City staff must also consider balancing concerns with those of future generations when addressing the infrastructure deficit.
Utility Rate Update
  • Utility rates pay for operations, maintenance and capital investments of the City’s water and sanitary utilities. The City investments for these utilities must sustain existing service, support growth and meet current regulations.
  • The City’s sanitary utility fund is considered sustainably funded, although rates still need to be adjusted for inflation.
  • The City’s water utility fund is likely approaching sustainable funding. It is estimated a 3%/year increase for the next 6-9 years, plus inflationary costs.
Water Rates and Sanitary Rates
  • South Quesnel, approximately 20 years ago, incurred a debt for various capital water service expansions. This debt will be retired over the next couple of years. Currently, South Quesnel customers are paying a parcel tax for these capital water debt expansions, but do not pay a water utility parcel tax based on a property frontage tax funding model similar to most of the City’s water and sanitary utility customers.
  • The principles considered when applying utility rates are:
    • Cover full cost of service
    • Revenue stability
    • Equity between different classes of customers
    • Affordability
    • Conservation
    • Ensure rate structure is easy to understand and administer
  • Council has referred the issue of resetting utility rates for City customers to the Financial Sustainability and Audit Committee to consider the above principles and various funding models.
Water Treatment System
  • Currently evaluating treatment technologies, site layout and hydraulics for the proposed treatment sites.
  • Preparing for pilot testing in November 2019 to provide information for optimizing manganese filtration.
  • Primary goal is to determine the best technology and confirm suitability and sizing.
  • Project cost estimates and plans prepared for grant application to be completed by February 2020.
Landfill / Recycling
With the current landfill space expected to be at capacity by 2040, Council has given the following direction to ensure the City continues towards its strategic goal of environmental stewardship of the landfill and recycling programs, the City is to:
  • Hire Solid Waste Manager, and add one additional Landfill Operator
  • Engage in social media campaign to educate citizens about the zero waste
  • City to withdraw from Commercial garbage pick up services
  • Review landfill and residential garbage rates, with new rates being in effect January 1, 2020
  • The City’s Solid Waste Manager, and the Cariboo Regional District staff, will work on a long-term plan for options to expand the recycling options currently available
  • 1874 – Zone Amendment – Cannabis Retail Stores – Maximum of Five Stores – Final Adoption
  • 1876 – Permissive Tax Exemptions – Non Profits 2020-2023 – Final Adoption
  • 1878 – Permissive Tax Exemption Amendment – Religious Schools Services 2016-2025 – Final Adoption
Next Meetings
  • 6 pm – November 5, 2019 – Regular Council Meeting
  • 6 pm – November 19, 2019 – Regular Meeting - Cancelled
  • 6 pm – November 26, 2019 – Regular Meeting

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