Friday, November 15, 2019

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - Nov 15th mtg

Present: Directors M. Sjostrom, B. Bachmeier, J. Massier, S. Forseth, A. Delainey, M. LeBourdais, A. Richmond, M. Wagner, J. Glassford, G. Kirby, C. Mernett, W. Macdonald, G. Fourchalk, B. Simpson, W. Cobb and M. Campsall

The Deputy CAO called the meeting to order at 9:50am

The Deputy CAO called for nominations for Cariboo Regional District Board Chair for the 2019/20 term

CRD Area 'H' Director M. Wagner nominated.  Director M. Wagner accepted her nomination

The Deputy CAO called 3 times for further nominations.  None received.  Director M. Wagner declared Chair of the Cariboo Regional District for the 2019/20 term, by acclamation

The Deputy CAO called 3 times for nominations for Cariboo Regional District Board Vice-Chair for the 2019/20 term

CRD Area 'C' Director J. Massier nominated.  Director J. Massier accepted his nomination

The Deputy CAO called 3 times for further nominations.  None received.  Director J. Massier declared Vice-Chair of the Cariboo Regional District for the 2019/20 term, by acclamation

Director M. Wagner assumed the Chair at 9:51am

The Chair thanked the Board for their continuing confidence and looks forward to working with them in 2020

Meeting Agenda approved
Minutes of the Cariboo RD Board meeting held October 25th, 2019 were received/adopted

Delegations MOB was received


Development Services:

1) The Board adopted the following 2 Planning Bylaws:

a) Central Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5182, 2018 (Area E/3281 English Road)
b) Central Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5197, 2019 (Area F/3395 Big Lake Road)

2) The Board approved Development Variance Permit #49-2019 (Area L/7235 Lakes Blvd)
3) The Board approved Development Permit #48-2019 (Area F/2995 Highway 97 South)

4) The Board approved ALR Application #1950 (Area I/Roddie Creek Ranch) for submission to the Agriculture Land Commission with a recommendation for approval, subject to:

a) A search for active badger burrows should be conducted. Sites with natal dens or active burrows are to be avoided.
b) A nesting bird sweep should be conducted to prevent bird mortality. Work completed outside of the nesting season (March-August) will prevent the destruction of active bird nests that are protected under the Wildlife Act (s.34)

5) The Board rejected ALR Application #1944 (Area L/6262 Mulligan Drive). It will not be submitted to the Provincial Agriculture Land Commission

Community Services:

1) The Board approved funding from the Community Works Fund in the amount of $19,300 for the Big Creek Community Association (Area 'K') to perform electrical and roof upgrades

2) The Board empowered its' signatories (Chair/Deputy CAO) to enter into an 3 year contribution agreement of $66,000 per year with the City of Quesnel, in respect of the operations of the Quesnel Regional Airport. This funding comes from the North Cariboo Airport Contribution Service (Areas A,B,C,I)

Protective Services:

1) The Board authorized Staff to apply for, receive and manage the 2019 UBCM Community Emergency Preparedness Fund – Volunteer and Composite Fire Department Training and Equipment


1) The Board received/ratified the October 2019 Monthly Expenditures Board Summary in the amount of $2,904,035.00.

2) The Board considered Grant for Assistance (Year Round Intake) applications, as follows:

a) Rocky Mountain Rangers RCACC Parent Support Committee, requesting $960 for alternate casual uniforms/hoodies for cadet comradery and uniformity -- Funded via Areas E, G, H, K and L Grant for Assistance funds

b) Junior Cadet Society of BC, requesting $624.71 to purchase a replacement computer -- Funded via Areas E, H, L Grant for Assistance funds

c) Big Lake Community Association, requesting $800 towards costs of the Big Creek Roundup dinner and solar lights to illuminate the grounds surrounding the hall -- Funded from Area 'K' Grant for Assistance fund


1) The Board resumed its' consideration from its' last meeting regarding the letter from the Corporation of the Village of Pouce Coupe requesting support for City of Enderby's resolution regarding Fostering Transportation Network Services in Small Communities which was defeated at the 2019 UBCM Convention and the Board took no further action on this matter

2) The Board received the Consent Calendar, as of November 15th, 2019

3) The Board received a letter from the Hon. Claire Trevena - BC's Minister of Transportation/Infrastructure, in response to the CRD's request for support for the installation and operation of streetlights on Maple Drive in Quesnel


1) At 11am - Rikki Beaudet, Community and Indigenous Engagement Advisor with Enbridge, appeared before the Board to provide an update.

A Question and Answer period ensued

The Chair, on behalf of the Board, thanked Ms. Beaudet for her time/information

2) At 11:27am - Todd Hubner, District Manager for the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, appeared before the Board to provide an information session on MOTI Operations in the Cariboo District

A Question and Answer period ensued

The Chair, on behalf of the Board, thanked Mr. Hubner for his time/information

Meeting recessed for lunch at 12:27pm
Meeting resumed at 1:15pm

Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

1) The Board received the following meeting minutes of its' Committees/Commissions

a) South Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus - October 21, 2019 meeting
b) South Cariboo Joint Committee - October 21, 2019 meeting
c) Heritage Steering Committee - October 22, 2019 meeting
d) Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus - October 23rd meeting
e) Central Cariboo Joint Committee - October 23rd meeting

2) The Board endorsed recommendations from the following meetings:

a) South Cariboo Joint Committee/Oct 21st mtg -- South Cariboo Recreation Services 2020 Business, Financial Plans and Capital Projects Plan

b) Heritage Steering Committee/Oct 22nd mtg -- Application to the Canada Cultural Investment Fund - Strategic Initiatives Fund - Create a Regional Heritage Marketing Initiative

c) Cariboo Cariboo Joint Committee/Oct 23rd mtg -- Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society's Fee for Service Management Committee - 2020-2022 Recommendations Report and at the request of Director S. Forseth - the recommendation in respect of Letter from Williams Lake Daybreak Rotary Club re Annual Williams Stampede Parade was endorsed in principle, subject to final confirmation of funding for 2020...

Directors' Requests:

1) The Board received an item from Director A. Richmond regarding the Municipal Finance Authority report to members on activities for the period of May 2019 to September 2019

2) At the request of Director B. Bachmeier (Area 'B') -- the Board authorized funding from the Area 'B' Director Initiative Fund, up to $2,500, to attend the April 2020 Broadband Conference in Richmond, BC

The Board received the Chair's activities report, as of Wednesday, November 13th

Directors' reported on their acitivites in their Electoral Area or Municipality

At 2:15pm -- the Board resolved itself into a closed session pursuant to Section 90(1e/k - land and negotiations) of the Community Charter

At 2:45pm --  the Board resumed its' public meeting and adjourned

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