Monday, November 18, 2019

Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus Highlights - Nov 18th mtg

Present: Chair S. Forseth and Directors A. Delainey, M. LeBourdais, G. Kirby and C. Mernett

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4pm

Meeting Agenda approved, as amended.

Minutes of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus meeting held on October 23rd, 2019 were received/adopted


Dave Dickson appeared before the Caucus to discuss the Community Safety & Well Being Plan for the Cariboo Chilcotin

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair, on behalf of Caucus, thanked Mr. Dickson for his time/information


The Caucus discussed the following matters

1) 2020 Grant for Assistance applications
2) CRD Funding Support for the Williams Lake Regional Airport
3) Conventional Transit for WL Rural Fringe Areas (Areas D, E, F)
4) 2020 Meeting Schedule for Central Cariboo Rural Caucus
5) CRD Co-Chair for Central Cariboo Joint Committee for 2020
6) Action Page

Caucus adjourned at 5:52pm

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