Friday, November 8, 2019

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Nov 12-15

Next week will be an abbreviated one for local governments of the Cariboo-Chilcotin as a result of Monday, November 11th being Remembrance Day... Accordingly, the following local governments will meet next week, as follows:

Quesnel - Policy/Bylaw Review Committee - Regular Meeting - on Tuesday, November 12th at 9am in the Fraser Room at Quesnel City Hall (4th Floor - 410 Kinchant Street).  On the Agenda:

* Review of Specific Council Policies
* Streets and Traffic Bylaw Amendment
* Council Procedure Bylaw/Council Meeting Norms/Council Code of Conduct

View the full Agenda here

SD#28 (Quesnel) - Regular Board of Education Meeting on Wednesday, November 13th at 7pm in the SD28 Boardroom (401 North Star Road).  On the Agenda:

* Annual Election of Board Chair/Vice-Chair
* Reports of the Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer
* Election of Representatives to BC School Trustee Association and BC Public Schools Employers Association

* Reports from Board Committees - Education, Finance

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Committee of the Whole session on Tuesday, November 12th at 6pm in the Rick Hansen Boardroom (Basement - 450 Mart Street).  On the Agenda:

* 2020 Budget Discussions -- Airport Fund; Sewer Fund; Water Fund
* 2020 Grant in Aide Applications
* 2020 Fee-for-Service Agreements

View the full Agenda here

100 Mile House - Meetings noted below on Tuesday, November 12th in 100 Mile House Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue):

6:00pm (Public Hearing) -- 810/820 Exeter Truck Route.  View Public Hearing Agenda here

6:15pm (100 Mile Development Corporation -- RFP for Community Forest Management; Declaration of Dividend; Age Friendly Committee/Emergency Support Services - Use of Meeting Space -- Full Agenda here

7:00pm (Council Meeting) -- Bylaw Officer Report for October 2019;  Use of 100 Mile House Airport by 100 Mile Model Flyers; DVP for 345 Cedar Avenue/801 Alder Avenue; Development for 345 Cedar Avenue; Grant in Aide for Cyclone Cup; UBCM Funding for Emergency Services -- Full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District - Meetings, as noted, below:

North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus - Regular Meeting on Tuesday, November 12th at 3pm in the CRD Quesnel office (#101-410 Kinchant Street, Quesnel).  On the Agenda:

* Delegation -- Derek Kitamura, Area Manager – Roads - Quesnel (Nazko/Wells/Hixon), and Ian Grant, Area Manager - Roads – Quesnel South, with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, will appear before the Caucus to provide an update on current activities and plans for 2020

* Request for Sponsorship of the Minerals North, 2020 Vision (deferred from previous meeting of North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus)
* North Cariboo Airport Contribution Agreement (deferred from previous meeting of North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus)

View the full Agenda here

North Cariboo Joint Committee - Regular Meeting on Tuesday, November 12th at 5:30pm at Parkland Elementary School (5016 Bjornson Road, Quesnel). On the Agenda:

* Delegations (2) -- Trails Update - Ian van Leusden & Quesnel Curling Club - Manager Dave Plant (see here)

* Old Business -- Committee Terms of Reference & 25% off admission to Quesnel/District Arts and Recreation Centre for RCMP Officers'

* Quesnel Kangaroos Requests for Coy Cup
* British Columbia Cattlemen's Association - Request to improve high-speed internet in rural communities
* In-Camera Session/Closed Committee Session -- Sections 90(1i/k -- legal advice and negotiations) and 90(2b -- confidential information regarding negotiations between provincial/federal gov'ts/local government & provincial/federal gov'ts/ & 3rd Party) of the Community Charter

View the full Agenda here

Finance/Budget Committee - 2020 Budget Meeting #1 on Wednesday, November 13th at 10am in the CRD Boardroom in Williams Lake (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake). On the Agenda:

Discussion Items -- Business Plan Development Process vs. Federal and Provincial Grant Opportunities; Allocation of FCM Attendance Costs and Barlow Creek Budget Over-Run

Commence Review of 2020 Business Plans

View the full Agenda here

Committee of the Whole Session on Thursday, November 14th at 1pm in the CRD Boardroom in Williams Lake.  On the Agenda:

* Delegations (2) -- 1pm; Interior Health Healthy Communities & 1:30pm -- SD27 re: changes being implemented by the School District.

* British Columbia Emergency Health Services (BCEHS) First Responder Program
* Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for Independent Society Run Volunteer Fire Departments
* OCP Impacts to Land Owners
* Joint Committees and Rural Caucuses -- Terms of Reference

View the full Agenda here

Policy Committee - Regular Meeting - on Thursday, November 14th at 6pm in the CRD Boardroom in Williams Lake.  On the Agenda:

* Referred Item - Request from Director Forseth – Director Initiative Fund Use for Signage (For Receipt)
* Amendment to Public Budget Consultation Meeting Policy
* Referred Item - Clarification of Grants for Assistance Policy - Year Round Intake
* Clarification of Meetings and Remuneration Rates

View the full Agenda here

CCRHD Board - Regular Meeting on Friday, November 15th at 9:30am in the CRD Boardroom in Williams Lake.  On the Agenda:

* Hospital Consent Calendar
* Interior Health - Invitation to Participate in Vision, Mission and Values Survey
* Northern Health - Apologies for Meeting Cancellation at UBCM Convention
* Update on the Recruitment and Retention RFP
* Verbal Update from Chair Simpson on CMH and GR Baker Hospital Projects
* Closed Board Meeting -- Section 90(2b - negotiations between provincial/federal governments and CCRHD or provincial/federal governments and 3rd Party) of the Community Charter

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo RD Board - Inaugural Meeting for 2019/20 term at 9:45am or upon recess or adjournment of the CCRHD Board meeting in the CRD Boardroom in Williams Lake.  On the Agenda:

* Election of Chair/Vice-Chair for the 2019/20 term
* Delegations (2) -- Enbridge (Project Update at 11am) and MOTI (Todd Hubner, Information Session at 11:30am)
* Land Use Matters
* UBCM 2019 CEPF Application – Volunteer and Composite Fire Department Training and Equipment
* 3 Grant for Assistance (Year Round Intake) applications
* Big Creek Community Hall Community Works Funding (CWF) Electrical and Roof Upgrades Project and Enabling Agreement
* Quesnel Regional Airport – Contribution Agreement
* Consent Calendar
* Committee or Commission Minutes and Recommendations for Endorsement
* Report from Director Richmond - Municipal Finance Authority Report for the Period Ended September 2019
* Request from Area 'B' Director Barb Bachmeier to Access Electoral Area B Director Initiative Funds to attend 2020 BC Broadband Conference in April 2020 in Richmond, BC
* Closed Board Meeting as per Section 90(1e/j -- land and information prohibited from public disclosure) of the Community Charter

View the full Agenda here

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