Tuesday, November 19, 2019

MacLean's "Dangerous Cities for 2020"

As they do every year -- MacLean's magazine outlines the 237 most dangerous Cities in Canada with population of 10,000+ using Stats Canada information on the Crime Severity Index or CSI

Read the MacLean's article here

The list in the Interior of BC includes:

#3 - Quesnel
#7 - Williams Lake
#19 - Prince George
#67 - Kamloops

The full list of cities can be viewed here

I expect that, as always occurs, elected officials from especially Quesnel/Williams Lake, but other cities across Canada as well, will be critical of this list as not being reflective of what is actually occurring in their City

Having said that -- Williams Lake City Council has been trying to convince Stats Canada to change their data collection procedures with little success so far.  While in Quesnel - the local City Council has been taking actions to improve the quality of life in that community.... I expect the actions of these City Councils' will continue in order to improve the quality of life, not just in Quesnel/Williams Lake but across Canada!


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