Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Quesnel Council Highlights - Nov 26th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Master Land Use Bylaw Revisions
The City is reviewing its Official Community Plan Bylaw and Zoning Bylaw is the future vision of how our community will be developed and what it could look like out to 2030. Council has provided second reading, as amended, for these proposed bylaws. Public consultation has been ongoing throughout the community through November. The City held a public open house on November 21, 2019 from 4 pm to 8 pm at City Hall Council Chambers where approximately 65 residents attended. The Public Hearing for the proposed Official Community Plan and Zoning bylaws is 5 pm, Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at City Hall Council Chambers.
Where do I find the draft Official Community Plan Bylaw 1879 and Zoning Bylaw 1880?
  • Visit the City’s website at:
  • Visit City Hall Main Reception area to view a hardcopy of these bylaws and corresponding large printed maps also displayed in the reception area.
Where can submit my feedback of these bylaws to City staff for the Public Hearing?
  • Public Written submissions will continue to be accepted until the December 3, 2019 Public Hearing adjourns.
  • Email City staff at:
What are the major changes to the draft Official Community Plan and Zoning bylaws?
  • First Nations Collaboration
  • Hazardous Area Development Permit Areas and West Quesnel Land Stability Study Area
  • Floodplain Hazardous Area Development Permit
  • New Housing Opportunities
    • Secondary Suite Dwelling
    • Secondary Dwelling
    • Carriage House Dwelling
  • Urban Agriculture
    • Hobby Beekeeping
    • Backyard Hens
  • Environment and Sustainability
  • Fire Smart Policies
  • Commercial Area Development Permits
  • Zones Removed or Changed
Please review the City Staff Reports for full details of the proposed major changes to the Official Community Plan and Zoning bylaw, the summary of the public consultation held in the community throughout the month of November, and the summary of the public consultation from the open house held on November 21, 2019.

Housing Needs Assessment, Gap Analysis and Action Plan
A Housing Needs, Gap Analysis, and Action Plan (“Report”) has been completed by Urbanics Consultant Ltd. for the City of Quesnel and the surrounding Electoral Areas located in the Cariboo Regional District. This Report provides: quantitative data; a better understanding of the community’s housing needs; ensures local policies, plan and development decisions related to housing are based on recent evidence; and allows the community to be responsive to current and future housing needs. The key findings of this report are: lack of serviced, desirable lands; rapidly aging population; declining household sizes and slow population growth; and local affordability.
The Action Plan outlines how City staff will apply strategies to address the community’s housing challenges that are:
  1. Address market-rate housing needs;
  2. Address non-market housing needs;
  3. Enhance supply of rental housing;
  4. Enhance housing affordability;
  5. Maintain the quality of the current housing stock;
  6. Facilitate development on vacant lands; and
  7. Prepare for anticipated growth in population aged 65 years and over.
Next Step:
City Staff to work on developing the Housing Needs and Gap Analysis Action Plan Checklist that will be brought to a future Regular Council Meeting for Council’s consideration.

Gymnastics Facility Capital Reserve
Council approved up to $85,000 be allocated from the Gymnastics Capital Reserve for the development of a schematic design, preliminary code review and cost estimate to co-locate the proposed Gymnastics Facility at the Quesnel & District Arts & Recreation Centre.

Sidewalk Snow/Ice Clearing – Owners/Occupiers Co-Responsibility
Council approved the first three readings to the Streets, Traffic and Parking Bylaw that would update language regarding snow/ice removal on City sidewalks outside of downtown, requiring property owners to help clear sidewalks in front of or adjacent to their property within 24 hours of a snow or ice event. The City does it’s best to reach all sidewalks within 24 hours of a snow event but cannot always make that timeline, especially during heavy snowfalls and prolonged ice events. The City’s snow budget is climbing each year, due to major snow and ice events becoming more frequent, so a more collaborative approach is required to keep costs under control.

Comprehensive Fees and Charges - Update
Council approved the first three readings of the City’s Comprehensive Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw. The bylaw includes increases, effective January 1st each year, to water utility rates, sewer utility rates, residential garbage rates, landfill disposal rates, cemetery rates, airport fees and other miscellaneous fees.
  • 1879 – Official Community Plan – Second Reading As Amended
  • 1880 – Zoning – Second Reading As Amended
  • 1881 – Council Procedure – First and Second
  • 1882 & Schedules – Comprehensive Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw – First, Second and Third
  • 1883 – Streets, Traffic and Parking Bylaw Amendment – Sidewalk Clearing – First, Second,Third

Next Meetings
  • 5 pm – December 3, 2019 – Public Hearing – Official Community Plan 1879 & Zoning Bylaw 1880 – City Hall Council Chambers
  • 6 pm – December 3, 2019 – Regular Meeting
  • 6 pm – December 17, 2019 – Regular Meeting

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