Friday, November 1, 2019

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - October 2019

In the month of October 2019 -- I attended the following meetings or events:

* Oct 2nd -- Site visit with MOTI Staff in Commodore Heights to a property on Bailey Road regarding a flooding issue then attend the monthly McLeese Lake Recreation Society meeting at the McLeese Lake Community Hall

* October 3rd -- Special Board Meeting to receive 2 Delegations -- FLNRORD re: Current Activity in the Forest Sector & Cariboo-Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association re: Update on their activities

* October 4th - CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings

* October 17th - Grand Opening of the New Heights Autism Support Society with CRD Area E Director Angie Delainey

* October 22nd -- Central Cariboo Multi-Agency Forum in Wiliams Lake - Gibraltar Room

* October 23rd -- Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus & Joint Committee meetings

* October 25th - CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings

* October 28th - Dawson Road Maintenance/Stakeholders Meeting for Winter Road Maintenance Program

Also responded to inquries with Area D residents' via email, phone, text or via Social Media Platforms... (Facebook/Twitter)....

For expenses incurred in the month of October 2019:

* October 3rd - $206 for Special Board Meeting

* October 4th - $206 for CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings

* October 23rd -- $83 for Central Cariboo Rural Directors' and Joint Committee Meetings

* October 25th - $206 for CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings


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