Monday, December 16, 2019

2019 McLeese Lake Christmas Community Dinner/Auction

Scenes from 2019 McLeese Lake
Christmas Dinner at McLeese Lake Hall
Last night -- the community of McLeese Lake got together for its' annual Christmas Community Dinner/Auction

Organized by the local McLeese Lake Recreation Commission -- it is a fundraiser to keep the McLeese Lake Community Hall on Forglen Road in McLeese Lake operating.  The Regional District also contributes $15,000 annually via property taxation to the Commission to support the operations of the McLeese Lake Community Hall, via the McLeese Lake Recreation Service.  Roughly 80-90 people were in attendance along with myself as the Regional District Area 'D' Director, whose area includes McLeese Lake

Steve Relkov who is President of the McLeese Lake Recreation Commission - provided some remarks about what was occurring at the Hall this past year, the loss of its' active Vice-President Gordon MacArthur, due to a health challenge and its' on-going relationship with the McLeese Lake Volunteer Fire Department Society including a long term land lease with the Society for a new Fire Hall to be constructed in 2020

Following that - Grace was said and then, the community partook in a most wonderful meal prepared by local chefs.  Santa Claus made his annual appearance and the silent auction took place which also came with a few laughs as well

All-in-all -- the community of McLeese Lake and myself thoroughly enjoyed our annual Christmas get-together and I wish everyone in McLeese Lake a very Merry Christmas and that 2020 be prosperous for the fine people of McLeese Lake and area!


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