Saturday, December 7, 2019

British Columbians benefit from safety, environment programs

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

Editor's Note -- congratulations to the Big Lake Community Association ($25,000); Horsefly VFD ($29,450); Likely VFD ($9,000); McLeese Lake VFD ($43,000); Baker Creek Enhancement Society ($44,000); West Chilcotin SAR Society ($74,150); Cariboo-Chilcotin Conservation Society ($25,000) and Invasive Species Council of BC ($120,000) for being recipients from the latest round from the BC Community Gaming Grant Program - Public Safety/Environment Funds 

Not-for-profit organizations providing life-saving emergency and environmental conservation programs throughout B.C. will benefit from annual Community Gaming Grants.
“We support programs that make our communities safer and empower people to protect and preserve British Columbia’s natural environment,” said the Hon. Selina Robinson, BC's Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “We are pleased to fund not-for-profit organizations in this important work, including strengthening volunteer fire departments and enhancing community conservation efforts to protect our environment.”
In 2019-20, the Province is providing approximately $5.6 million to nearly 125 organizations in the public safety sector and approximately $4.6 million to more than 135 organizations in the environment sector.
Environmental programming gives British Columbians the opportunity to learn about and connect with nature. The grants also support wildlife rehabilitation programs and shelters for animals.
“British Columbia is a leader in climate preparedness and adaptation, and through our CleanBC plan, we’re taking a range of actions to create a stronger, cleaner future for British Columbians,” said the Hon. George Heyman, BC's Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. “From composting programs to creating local food systems and appreciation for nature, these local programs support our environmental goals and help communities take part in climate action for today and tomorrow.”
Through public safety programs, non-profit organizations provide emergency and life-saving services including search and rescue activities, volunteer fire departments, emergency preparedness, and community and restorative justice for people throughout the province.
“Funding from the Community Gaming Grant is essential to supporting the work of Restorative Justice,” said Christine Bomhof, executive director, Abbotsford Restorative Justice and Advocacy Association. “As an alternative to the court process, the program provides an opportunity for the person who caused harm to take responsibility, for the victim who is affected to have a voice and, through a restorative justice process, creates a meaningful solution that repairs harm, restores relationships and rebuilds community.”
Quick Facts:
  • Every year, commercial gambling generates revenue that the Government of B.C. invests in key services that benefit communities around B.C. These include health care and education, as well as a wide array of organizations representing arts and culture groups, sport, environment, public safety, human and social services, and parent advisory councils.
  • Up to $140 million of the revenue generated is directed into the community through the Community Gaming Grants program that supports over 5,000 community organizations each year.
  • Eligible organizations can apply for gaming grant funding in one of the following six sectors: arts and culture; sport; environment; public safety; human and social services; and parent advisory councils/district parent advisory councils.
  • The next round of the Public Safety and Environment grants will be open from July 1 to Aug. 31, 2020.
Learn More:
For the full list of Public Safety and Environment sector grants, visit:
For more information about B.C. Community Gaming Grants, visit

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