Friday, December 6, 2019

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - Dec 6th mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner/Vice-Chair J. Massier; Directors M. Sjostrom, B. Bachmeier, S. Forseth, A. Delainey, M. LeBourdais, A. Richmond, J. Glassford, G. Kirby, C. Mernett, W. Macdonald, G. Fourchalk, B. Simpson, W. Cobb and M. Campsall

The Chair recognized the meeting was taking place on the traditional territory of the Northern Shuswap peoples

The Chair read out the 2019 Year End Report to the Board

Meeting agenda adopted & minutes of the Cariboo RD Board meeting held November 15th, 2019 was received/adopted

The Board received the Memorandum of Business - Delegations


1) Development Services:

a) At the request of Area 'L' Director W. Macdonald - The Board rejected South Cariboo Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5245, 2019 & South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5246,2019 (Area L/6640 Perrey Road (Kline)

b) Following a Public Hearing - the Board gave 3rd Reading to:

i) Interlakes Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5208, 2019/South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5209, 2019 (Area L/Grossett Road)

ii) South Cariboo Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5224, 2019/South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5225, 2019 (Area L/6115 Little Fort Highway 24)

iii) Temporary Use Permit Bylaw No. 5230, 2019 (Area H/2750 Bradley Creek Road)

c) The Board approved Development Permit #53/2019 (Area A/1350 Maple Heights Road)

d) At the request of Director S. Forseth (Area D) -- the Board authorized submission of ALR Application 1954 to the Provincial Agriculture Land Commission with a recommendation to approve (Area D/6111 Soda Creek-Macalister Road)

e) The Board received the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission Decisions Report as of November 27, 2019

f) The Board received the Cariboo Regional District Building Statistics Report, Municipalities Building Statistics Report, and the Inspection Activity Report for October 2019

2) Community Services:

a) The Board authorized its' signatories to enter into Community Works Fund contribution agreements with the following groups:

i) 100 Mile Community Club - up to $9,100 for lighting upgrade and, if possible, any other related, minor services
ii) Williams Lake Curling Club - up to $25,500 for lighting, heating and hot water tank upgrades at the Williams Lake Curling Arena and, if possible, any other related, minor services

b) The Board authorized submission of an NDIT Grant application for $20,000 in funding from the Business Façade Improvement program to encourage private sector investment in local business improvements in the region

3) Environmental Services:

a) The Board authorized entering into a 5-year agreement with Cariboo Pulp & Paper Company to accept and treat sewage effluent, effective January 1st, 2020

4) Finance:

a) The Board dealt with Grant for Assistance (Year Round Intake) applications, as follows:

i) Forest Grove Quilting Club - $500 from Area 'H' Grant for Assistance Fund
ii) Kersley Community Association - $500 from Area 'A' Grant for Assistance Fund
iii) Forest Grove Legion Ladies Auxiliary - up to $500 from Area 'H' Grant for Assistance Fund

b) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Cheque Register for the month of November 2019, in the amount of $2,364,227.25

5) Administration:

a) The Board received a report of the Deputy CAO concerning 2020 NCLGA Resolutions

b) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of December 6th, 2019 and a letter of support be provided to ABC Communications for their application to NDIT for their Regional LTE Project

6) Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

a) The Board received meeting minutes from CRD Committees or Commissions:

* First Nations Relations Committee - Oct 25th meeting
* North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus - November 12th meeting
* North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee - November 12th meeting
* Finance-Budget Committee - November 13th meeting
* Committee of the Whole - November 14th meeting
* Policy Committee - November 14th meeting
* South Cariboo Joint Committee - November 18th meeting
* North Cariboo Joint Planning - November 26th meeting

b) The Board approved recommendations from CRD Committees or Commissions:

* North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus (Nov 12th mtg) -- Request for Sponsorship of the Minerals North, 2020 Vision ($4,000 from Community Works Funding)
* North Cariboo Joint Committee (Nov 12th mtg) -- Quesnel Kangaroos Requests for Coy Cup
* Policy Committee (Nov 14th mtg) -- Clarification of Grants for Assistance Policy - Year Round Intake (refer applications to Area Director) & Clarification of Meetings and Remuneration Rates (sub-regional Rural Caucus/Joint Committee and attendance at North Cariboo Airport Advisory Committee (mileage only)

* Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus (Nov 18th mtg) -- 2020 Grant for Assistance (Main Intake) applications
* South Cariboo Joint Committee (Nov 18th mtg) -- Update on South Cariboo Recreation Boundary Amendment Referendum/Policy to Assist Unregistered Societies Access South Cariboo Foundation Funding and 2020 Grant for Assistance (Main Intake) applications and Policy be waived where required (Area D Director S. Forseth opposed to application #'s 2,7,9,19 and 20 and waiver of policy for said applications)


1) At 11am -- Martina Beck, Invasive Fauna Unit Head, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, provided an update, via teleconference, on terrestrial and aquatic invasive species, excluding plants, within the CRD

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair, on behalf of the Board, thanked Ms. Beck for her time/information

2) Gail Wallin, Executive Director, Invasive Species Council of BC, appeared before the Board to discuss non-plant species and provided an overview on work being done in partnership with the CRD

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair, on behalf of the Board, thanked Ms. Wallin for her time/information

Meeting recessed for lunch at 12pm
Meeting resumed at 12:41pm

Business, cont:
CRD Committee/Commissions Minutes/Recommendations, cont:

* North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus (Dec 4th mtg) -- endorse Schedule L - Mutual Aid Fire Protection to full CRD/City of Quesnel Memorandum of Understanding

7) Directors' Requests:

a) At the request of Area 'D' Director S. Forseth -- the Board received a letter from Charge North Advisory Committee requesting a CRD Staff member be appointed to the Advisory Committee, that the request be denied and the Committee be advised accordingly

b) The Board received an update from Director A. Richmond (Area G) concerning a summary of the Thompson Watershed Disaster Mitigation Advisory Committee meeting, held September 16, 2019

c) The Board approved External Appointments for 2020, as follows:

Municipal Finance Authority:
- Director Al Richmond / Alternate: Director Jim Glassford

Fraser Basin Council:
- Director Bob Simpson / Alternate: Director Mary Sjostrom

NDIT Regional Advisory Committee:
- Director Wagner  / Alternate: Director MacDonald
- Director Mernett  / Alternate: Director Sjostrom

Resolved - That representatives from Fraser Basin Council be requested to present at a future Delegation Session....

d) At the request of Director W. Macdonald (Area L) -- the Board received her request for access to Area 'L' Director Initiative Fund to attend the 2020 BC Natural Resources Forum

The Board received both the CAO & Chair Reports covering their recent activities

Directors' reported out on their recent activities in their Electoral Area or Municipality

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