Monday, December 2, 2019

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - November 2019

In the month of November 2019, I attended the following meetings or events:

* November 1st/2nd -- Regular Quarterly Meeting of the North Central Local Government Association/NCLGA Board of Directors'

* November 5th - Meeting with Dave Dickson re: Cariboo-Chilcotin Well Being/Community Safety Plan

* November 6th - McLeese Lake Recreation Society Meeting
* November 11th - Remembrance Day ceremony at the Williams Lake Cenotaph

* November 13th - CRD's Finance/Budget Committee meeting re: Review of 2020 Business Plans
* November 14th - CRD's Committee of the Whole Session/Policy Committee Meeting
* November 15th - CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings
* November 18th - Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus Meeting
* November 25th - Meeting with Todd Hubner, Ministry of Transportation's Cariboo District Manager and then a meeting of the Wildwood Community Association

* November 29th - Discussion re: FSR Roads in CRD Areas D/K w/CRD Area 'K' Director Chad Mernett with Lindsay Woods (Acting District Manager: Cariboo-Chilcotin Resource District)

In addition - continue to respond to inquiries from Area 'D' residents either via email, phone, social media or community events or meetings...

As to expenses submitted in the month of November 2019:

* November 13th (Finance/Budget Committee meeting) -- $206
* November 14th (Committee of Whole Board + Policy Committee) -- $206
* November 15th (CCRHD/CRD Boards) -- $206
* November 18th (Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus) -- $83


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