Thursday, January 30, 2020

BC Natural Resources Forum 2020 - Day 2 of 2

Today is the last day of #BCNRF20 or the 2020 BC Natural Resources Forum

On the Agenda:

* State of the North Report -- Joel McKay, CEO, Northern Development Initiative Trust

* Opening Keynote Address | James Thompson, Vice-President, Western Region, CN

* Panel 4 – Global Leadership in Sustainable Forest Management

* Panel 5 – Fresh Perspectives from Tomorrow’s Leaders

* Keynote Luncheon | Chief Councillor Crystal Smith, Haisla Nation

* Panel 6 – Tapping BC’s Potential as an Energy Leader

This morning, I will be also participating in Geoscience BC's Central Interior Copper Gold Research which will provide an update on its' research including in the areas of Gibraltar Mines and Mt Polley

After the BC Natural Resources Forum adjourns at 3:30pm today -- I will be remaining in Prince George in order to participate in NCLGA or North Central Local Government Association Committee/Board Meetings tomorrow afternoon and Saturday....

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