Wednesday, January 22, 2020

McLeese Lake Community Mtg re: Sunfield Energy Feasbility Study

Ron Percival answers questions from 
McLeese Lake or Soda Creek Valley residents
regarding his company's feasibility study in the
McLeese Lake area
 Last night in front of a crowd of 30 consisting of residents from McLeese Lake and Soda Creek Valley at the McLeese Lake Community Hall -- Ron Percival from Sunfield Energy & Monica Larden from FLNRORD explained Sunfield Energy's proposed feasibility study in the community to investigate the possibility of a solar energy facility in the McLeese Lake area..

After Ms. Larden explained FLNRORD's process in applying for and potentially being granted an investigative license under BC's Land Act, Ron Percival explained his company's proposed feasibility study

30 residents from McLeese Lake or Soda Creek Valley
at McLeese Lake Community Hall hear presentations from 
FLNRORD/Sunfield Energy
Afterwards, a question and answer period ensued with most questions being directed at Sunfield Energy

An overview document from Sunfield Energy in regards to their feasibility study can be viewed here

As the Cariboo Regional District Area 'D' Director -- I was pleased with the turnout and questions asked.  I believe there is, generally, support for the feasibility study and the community looks forward to the study being initiated and what comes from the study...


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