Friday, February 28, 2020

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of March 2-6

Next week, the following local governments of the Cariboo-Chilcotin are meeting next week:

Quesnel - all below-noted meetings to take place on Tuesday, March 3rd in Quesnel Council Chambers (4th Floor, 410 Kinchant St)

6pm - Public Hearing regarding 355 Vaughn Street (Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1886).  View the full Agenda here

Following adjournment of the Public Hearing, the Regular Quesnel City Council meeting will convene.  On the Agenda:

* Airport Lease - Highland Helicopters

* Correspondence: North Central Local Government Association - 2020/2021 Executive Nomination(s) and Quesnel and District Community Arts Council /Request for Resolution of Support

* Bylaw 1886 - City of Quesnel Zoning Amendment (355 Vaughn Street) - Third Reading

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Committee of the Whole session on Tuesday, March 3rd at 6pm in the Rick Hansen Boardroom (Basement - 450 Mart St). On the Agenda:

* Delegation: Jeff Pelley, RCMP Inspector/Detachment Commander re Police Commission Report
* 2020 Budget and 2020-2024 Financial Plan
* Proposed NCLGA Resolution - ECE Labour Force Shortage
* RC Cotton Site Bridge Naming - WLIB Chosen Names

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District - All below-noted meetings to take place in the Cariboo RD Williams Lake Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake)

March 5:

10:30am - Finance/Budget Committee meeting.  On the Agenda:

* Operating Reserves (Self Funding) Policy and Procedure
* 2020 Budget Consultation and Public Feedback (2 comments and no phone calls)
* Final Review of the 2020 -2024 Provisional Five-Year Financial Plan

View the full Agenda here

1:00pm - Committee of the Whole Session.  On the Agenda:

* Update on Solid Waste Management - Verbal report from the Supervisor of Solid Waste Management
* Review of North, Central and South Rural Caucus and Joint Committee Terms of References
* General Discussion about forming a Regional District Regional Parks and Trails Service
* Request from Director Forseth - Policy or Practice re: UBCM Convention Meetings with Ministers and Ministry Staff
* 4pm Delegation -- Kris Holm, BGC Engineering -- Presentation on the flood work project being undertaken for the Fraser Basin Council

View the full Agenda here

4:30pm - Policy Committee meeting.  On the Agenda:

* Amendment to Public Budget Consultation Meeting Policy
* Revised Grants for Assistance Policy (change to Year Round Intake Procedure)
* Review of Administration Charges Policy
* Review of Remuneration Bylaw
* Proposed Amendment to CAO Evaluation and Compensation Policy

View the full Agenda here

March 6:

9:45am - Cariboo Regional District Board. On the Agenda:

* Various Land Use items
* 2019 Year End Report for the Invasive Plant Management Program
* UBCM 2020 CEPF Application – Emergency Operations Centers and Training
* 4 Year Round Grant for Assistance Applications
* Consent Calendar
* CRD Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations
* Request from Area 'B' Director B. Bachmeier re: 2020 NCLGA Resolutions (additional funding for Rural RCMP, funding for rural crime reductions groups and funding for rural community policing offices)

* Closed Board Meeting ((In-Camera) as per Section 90(1k - negotiations) of the Community Charter

View the full Agenda here


  1. Once again, conspicuous by it's absence, is the Police Commission report, as appears to be the pattern since comments in December about the grammatical and spelling errors in the November commission report. Surely with the amount we pay them, Inspector Pelley could make sure it's available to the paying public at the expected time for publication instead of it making it look like another RCMP coverup.

  2. To clarify - if the background item is not ready - the City of Williams Lake's Procedure By-law requires that City Staff *must* publish the Agenda before 4:30pm on the Friday prior to the meeting (Council or Committee of the Whole) on the following Tuesday


  3. Fine that the release of the reports is delayed, but the official reports don't appear to be available to the public if they're not included at the time of publication of the agenda. That's the problem. All we ever hear are tidbits in the local media.

  4. Looks like R.C.M.P. and City Council are both exploiting that loophole in this case...Miss the deadline for publication and Insp.Pelley avoids public scrutiny from those who do not drink the Police Kool Aid. Convenient.
