Friday, March 13, 2020

City of Williams Lake to launch redesigned website next week

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake will be launching a new, more user-friendly website on Monday, March 16, 2020. Visitors to on that day will undoubtedly notice improvements and changes to the interface.
The refreshed municipal website will be mobile-friendly and offers enhanced user experiences. Features such as an intuitive search function and global navigation will further improve core functions such as an informational newsfeed, events calendar and readily available links to Council meeting live streams, agendas and minutes.
“The re-launch of our website is a culmination of a six-month process which included strong consultation among our website team, staff and Council,” said Guillermo Angel, Corporate Engagement Officer. “We look forward to presenting our modern website to the public, and will continue to make improvements as we work to continually enhance the City’s online presence.”
The website, which serves more than 200,000 unique visitors and receives more than 350,000 page views per year, experienced major improvements to its design and back-end infrastructure to better serve residents and visitors alike. The last redesign of the City’s website was in 2014.
One of the most significant changes will be a completely new Community Services page that will provide information about the City’s numerous recreation and arts and culture offerings.
“The redesigned municipal website is one of the many steps we are taking to enhance customer service and government transparency for the City of Williams Lake,” said Milo Macdonald, Chief Administrative Officer. “This upgraded interface demonstrates the City’s ongoing commitment to making technology accessible and user-friendly. The redesigned website will make it easier than ever for visitors to our website to get information, request services and find out what is happening in Williams Lake.”
Once the website goes live, the City will monitor feedback and usage as it continues to improve its digital presence.

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