Saturday, March 14, 2020

Message from NCLGA re: #COVID-19 and 2020 NCLGA AGM

Courtesy of the North Central Local Government Association:

Full Disclosure -- I am 1 of the 3 Directors' at Large on the North Central Local Government Association's Board of Directors' for the 2019-2020 Term

And yesterday, AVICC or Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities posted the following, on Twitter, in regards to its' 2020 AGM.  AVICC is one of the 5 Area Associations of UBCM:

" #AVICC Convention sched for Apr 17-19 in #Nanaimo has been cancelled due to #COVID19. The Exec apologizes for the inconvenience but states “Health & safety of our members is the priority”. Resolutions will be forwarded to #UBCM2020, potential AGM in fall. #AVICC2020 @ubcm"

It's fair to say that the remaining Area Associations' will be reviewing their options for their 2020 AGM's (SILGA, AKBLG and LMLGA)

From NCLGA's Website:
In light of the World Health Organization’s pandemic declaration regarding COVID-19, coupled with ongoing, preventative efforts under way in B.C., we would like to provide the following update on the 2020 North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) Annual General Meeting:

Context: While the number of cases worldwide is changing quickly, the risk to Canadians—including British Columbians—continues to be low according to the Chief Medical Officer of B.C. At this time, the Public Health Agency of Canada and the BC Ministry of Health have a strategy focused on containment of the virus through thorough testing, identification, and isolation of individuals who have travelled to countries where there have been significant outbreaks or been in contact with someone who has tested positive. As of yet, there are no active restrictions on travel within B.C.; However, social distancing is being encouraged where possible and for right now, the Chief Medical Officer of B.C. has advised to cancel all events of 250 people or more.

NCLGA Board Action: At next week's (March 20 and 21, 2020) NCLGA Board teleconference meeting Directors will discuss the 2020 NCLGA AGM, potential mitigation actions and/or alternatives in order to report back to members as soon as possible. The health and safety of our members, staff, and the public will continue to be our top priority.

NCLGA Member Action: Continue to monitor NCLGA for updates on the 2020 Annual General Meeting.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns at


Lara Beckett, President

North Central Local Government Association

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