Thursday, March 5, 2020

Runway length temporarily reduced at the Anahim Lake Airport

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District advises there is a temporary reduction in available runway length at the Anahim Lake Airport. The CRD has submitted a request to Transport Canada to remove the restriction.
Because of the temporarily reduced runway length, which limits the maximum weight for passengers and cargo on an aircraft, Pacific Coastal Airlines has taken steps for potentially reduced service levels if the situation is not resolved in a timely manner.
An extension section of the runway was closed on January 29, 2020, at the direction of Transport Canada.
The Regional District has received support from the Ulkatcho First Nation Chief and Council, the Anahim Lake RCMP detachment, tourism operator Bella Coola Heli Sports, and Pacific Coastal Airlines to have the temporary closure dealt with as soon as possible.
“The Anahim Lake airport is a vital transportation hub in the West Chilcotin and Central Coast, and Pacific Coastal Airlines is a key partner in providing flight service for the area,” states Margo Wagner, Cariboo Regional District Chair.
“We are optimistic Transport Canada will respond to our request for full runway access as soon as possible, so Pacific Coastal will not need to reduce services. This situation is too important to be delayed.”
Quick Facts:
  • The Anahim Lake airport is owned by the Cariboo Regional District and operated by a local contractor.
  • Pacific Coastal Airlines provides scheduled flight service out of the airport.
  • In addition, many charter and private planes use the airport, which is a key driver for tourism and recreation in the area.
  • The airport also provides vital medical evacuation services to the area and support for the BC Wildfire Service during wildfire season.

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