Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Williams Lake City Hall remains OPEN

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

At this time, City Hall remains open and continues normal operations. However, the City requests that individuals consider visiting City Hall only if absolutely necessary, or are requested by a staff member.
If you require assistance from City Hall, we ask that you please call or email the appropriate department listed below, and support will be given over the phone or electronically where possible.
With the implementation of increased cleaning and sanitation measures, and following the guidelines of the Provincial Health Officer, the City of Williams Lake is confident that our staff will be able to continue providing vital services to our community. We ask that anyone who must visit City Hall practices responsible hygiene, and does not enter the building if they are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms.
“It is important that residents feel supported during uncertain times like these,” said Milo Macdonald, Chief Administrative Officer. “Our priority will continue to be the health and safety of our staff and community - that is why we are heavily encouraging limited access to the building and are working diligently to assist all residents through the phone or email as needed.”
As the COVID-19 situation in British Columbia is continually evolving, the City will adapt its response and level of service to meet the requirements of both Interior Health and the Province.  
The City will update its residents as soon as any developments occur. For up-to-date information regarding the local response to the COVID-19 situation, with relevant links to current information, visit

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