Sunday, April 19, 2020

2020 Billy Barker Days CANCELLED

Courtesy of the Quesnel Billy Barker Days' Society:

April 18, 2020
To Everyone Involved:
The Executive and Members of The Quesnel Billy Barker Days Society have been carefully watching the provisions and restrictions surrounding activities while the world fights CoVid-19. We have deliberately waited to cancel the Festival and any related activities in the remote chance that things would improve to a point that we could do something in the community even if it was different than in other years.
Dr. Bonnie Henry has announced that social distancing will remain in place for some time to come. As we have repeatedly said, our number one priority is the safety and well being of the community.
We are officially cancelling the 2020 Billy Barker Days Festival.
The decision is very easy to make because it is the obvious one in that we in no way want to hinder the work to protect against the virus. We would in no way put the Festival before the safety of the people. Having said that, it is a very sad day for the Society as well as for those that look forward to the Festival for their enjoyment or as an important source of income. It is a step that we have to take for the good of all.
Billy Barker Days will do its part by staying isolated this year but rest assured, just like everyone else, we look forward to a return to somewhat normal activities when the time is right. We will be stronger for having made this sacrifice.
Physically Distanced but of One Heart
Janice McLean
Quesnel Billy Barker Days Society

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