Friday, April 17, 2020

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - April 17th mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner/Vice-Chair J|. Massier and Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Forseth, Delainey, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Kirby, Mernett, Macdonald, Fourchalk, Simpson and Cobb

Meeting held via teleconference and was called to order at 9:51am

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of Cariboo RD Board Meetings held on March 6th and 27th, 2020 were received/adopted

Delegations MOB was received


Development Services:

1) The Board gave 1st/2nd Readings to Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5260, 2020 (Area A/1262 Maple Heights Road)

2) The Board adopted South Cariboo Area Amendment Bylaw No. 5207, 2010 (Area L/6205 & 6209 Garrett Road)

3) The Board endorsed ALR Application #ALR-C-2009 (Non Farm Use application) and authorized submission to the Provincial Agriculture Land Commission

4) The Board endorsed ALR Application #ALR-L-2010 (non-adhering residential use) and authorized submission to the Provincial Agriculture Land Commission

5) The Board received a report of the CAO concerning the North Cariboo Agricultural Development Committee Report on the Ministry of Agriculture Policy Intentions Paper: Residential Flexibility in the ALR and agreed to forward the report/recommendations from the North Cariboo Agriculture Development Advisory Committee to the BC Ministry of Agriculture

Environmental Services:

1) The Board directed Staff to initiate the Solid Waste Management Plan update process as described in “A Guide to Solid Waste Management Planning” published by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (click here)

Community Services:

1) The Board authorized entering into contributions agreements for use of Community Works Funds, as follows:

a) Gavin Lake Forest Education Centre - installation of new LED lighting
b) Forest Grove Legion - installation of two new energy efficient furnaces and an air conditioning system
c) Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club - installation of new LED lighting in the Bull Mountain Cross Country Ski facility warming hut and along the facility’s night ski trails


1) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of March 2020, in the amount of $1,664,174.13

2) The Board approved a recommendation of the Deputy Corporate Officer wherein the disbursement of all Grants for Assistance funds be authorized with a requirement that staff work with applicants to ensure the spirit of the application can be achieved


1) The Board received the Consent Calendar dated April 17th, 2020

2) The Board received a letter from the Hon. Claire Trevena (BC's Transportation Minister) in regards to street-lighting for the Maple Drive area

Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

1) The Board received the following Committee or Commission Minutes:

a) Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Meeting of February 26th
b) Finance-Budget Committee Meeting of March 5th
c) Committee of the Whole Meeting of March 5th
d) Policy Committee Meeting of March 5th
e) South Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus of March 9th
f) South Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting of March 9th
g) North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus of March 10th
h) North Cariboo Joint Committee of March 10th

2) The Board endorsed recommendations from recently held CRD Committee or Commission Meetings, as follows:

a) Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Meeting of February 26th -- 2020 Info Fair & Directors Meetings (investigate and advise as to whether or not the funds budgeted for Info Fairs can be used for a different type of meeting)

b) Finance/Budget Committee Meeting of March 5th -- Adoption of Operating Reserves (Self Funding) Policy and Procedure

c) Committee of the Whole Meeting of March 5th -- Adoption of Rural Caucus and Joint Committee Terms of References

d) Policy Committee Meeting of March 5th -- Amendment to Public Budget Consultation Meeting Policy; Review of Administration Charges Policy (maintain existing policy); Review of Remuneration Bylaw (return to the previous method of reimbursing meal expenses within the CRD upon receipts provided, up to the maximum per diem rates for out-of-district travel, Technology/Office Allowance & review of receipts, upon request, for review by CRD Finance Chair)

e) North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus Meeting of March 10th -- Amendment to North Cariboo Agricultural Development Advisory Committee Bylaw and Support for Wells Community Hall ($1,000 from North Cariboo Economic Development Service)

f) North Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting of March 10th -- Reallocation of Cariboo Strong Grant Funding (North Cariboo Allocation -- previously approved for hosting the annual snowball tournament be reallocated towards the trail development project in the amount of $7,000)

Meeting recessed at 10:55am
Meeting resumed at 11:08am


Jo-Ann Francis from PMT Chartered Professional Accountants LLP, presented the Audited 2019 CRD Financial Statements

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair, on behalf of the Board, thanked Ms. Francis for her presentation

Resolved -- That the CRD 2019 Audit Findings letter from JoAnn M. Francis, CPA, CA, PMT Chartered Professional Accountants LLP, dated April 2, 2020, be received and the Audited 2019 Financial Statements for the Cariboo Regional District, prepared by PMT Chartered Professional Accountants LLP, be received/approved as presented

Business, cont:

Directors' Requests:

1) The Board received the summary of the Thompson Watershed Disaster Mitigation Advisory Committee meeting held on February 25, 2020, as provided by Director Al Richmond (Area 'G')

2) The Board received the summary notes of the Adaptation Canada 2020 Conference held February 19-21, 2020, as provided by Director Maureen LeBourdais (Area 'F')

3) Pursuant to Board Policy #11-10A-26 -- the Board re-appointed Director John Massier (Area 'C') as its' representative to the North Central Local Government Association's Board of Directors' for the 2020-21 term

4) At the request of Director John Massier (Area 'C') -- The Board agreed to appoint Matt Ziemer (horticulture) and Christa Pooley (BC Forage Council) to a 2-year term and to re-appoint Nicole Pressey (BC Ministry of Agriculture) for an additional 2-year term on the North Cariboo Agricultural Development Advisory Committee

At 11:26am -- the Board convened a Closed Session (In-Camera) as per Section 90(1a/i - appointment and legal advice) of the Community Charter

At 11:41am -- the Board resumed its' Open Session

The Board agreed to adjourn at 11:43am

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