Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Cariboo RD says: Safe Home to Stay Safe!

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

A long weekend and lots of sun in the forecast may make the Cariboo seem like a great place to enjoy the upcoming Easter holidays. But regional officials are asking recreational property owners and out-of-town visitors to postpone any Cariboo adventures for the time being.
“The COVID-19 pandemic is straining our local resources. Residents are already feeling the impacts of this unprecedented situation. An influx of visitors right now could be too much for our emergency services, local food stores, and other essential service providers to handle,” explains Stuart Larson, Cariboo Regional District (CRD) Manager of Protective Services. “Not only that, rising temperatures are increasing spring run-off and the potential for flooding, washouts, and road closures. It’s vital that unnecessary travel to the Cariboo be reduced as much as possible for the time being.”
CRD Chair Margo Wagner notes the call to stay home is being made for the benefit of all.
“It’s not a happy feeling to be asking people to stay away from the Cariboo. But our small, rural hospitals and limited medical resources could be quickly overwhelmed if we aren’t proactive now. We need people to understand that this is a difficult situation and their cooperation could save lives.”
Currently, the ‘stay home’ advice from the regional district remains a polite, but strong request -- in keeping with provincial and federal recommendations to limit non-essential travel and stay home as much as possible. Wagner is hoping the message being shared by all levels of government is heard loud and clear before the long weekend.
“We need cooperation and understanding, so that we aren’t forced to ask the provincial or federal government to put stronger rules in place. But the health of our community is first and foremost. We will consider supporting any reasonable measures to curb the spread of the virus.”

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