Thursday, April 9, 2020

COVID-19: Just stay home!

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Editor's Note -- Bob Simpson is the Mayor of Quesnel.  He can be reached via email here

There’s a simple truth embedded in the messaging from BC’s Chief Medical Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, that is too easily missed: if we exercise discipline now, we’ll be out of this situation sooner.

However, as the weather finally turns warm going into our first long weekend of the Spring, the temptation will be strong to let down our guard and give in to our human desire for real connection with family and friends rather than virtual ones.

The temptation to get outside and play this weekend will be strong. The same with our desire to hit the road to get a break from our long confinement to our homes. People will want to go camping, or hiking, or fishing, or whatever social recreation they normally do with friends and family on long weekends.

But, if we want to get back to normal as soon as possible we must continue to diligently practice every aspect of social distancing and sanitation, especially just staying home.

If we want to be able to travel and camp and hike and go hug our family and friends soon, then we need to stay home now and maintain our social distancing discipline.
If you’ve been laid off and want to get back to work and a normal paycheck, then the best thing we can all do to expedite that is to stay home.

It’s really that simple: if we want to get ‘back to normal’ as soon as possible, then we all simply need to stay home and continue to practice every aspect of social distancing and sanitation.

As the Premier, BC’s Health Minister, and the provincial Medical Health Officer have all said: this is not the time to bend the rules, instead, we must continue to focus on bending the curve of this contagion by remaining at home.

On final thought: if we truly do feel heartfelt gratitude toward our frontline workers, particularly in the health care sector, then we must, for their sake, ensure we do not experience the dreaded “surge” of this virus that would overwhelm our health care capacity. The only way we can make sure this surge does not happen is to maintain our social distancing discipline.

We’ve done a great job so far in Quesnel, let’s keep up the good work!

COVID-19 Resources

City information and support links
Business support:
Business Support Hotline: 1-888-241-7714

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