Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Evacuation Order downgraded to alert for Hawks Creek – Horsefly Road

Courtesy of the Cariboo RD's Emergency Operations Centre:

Effective immediately, the Cariboo Regional District has downgraded the evacuation order for the Hawks Creek – Horsefly to an evacuation alert issued on April 24th, which means residents are allowed to return to the area. Before deciding to return, residents are encouraged to consider that there is still high water and flooding in the area and that they remain on evacuation alert.
See a map of the affected areas:
Remaining On Evacuation Alert
Since the area remains on evacuation alert, residents should remain prepared for an evacuation by:
  • Have a plan to transport all family members or co-workers outside the area, should the area be brought back under evacuation order.
  • Keep essential items readily available for a quick departure, including medications, eyeglasses, valuable papers (i.e. insurance), immediate care needs for dependents and, if you choose, keepsakes (photographs, etc).
  • Ensure that any dependents or pets are prepared for departure.
  • Ensure that pets and livestock remain in a safe area.
  • Ensure that you have accommodation options for your family, if possible. A Reception Centre will be made available if required.
  • In the event you are evacuated, do not shut off your natural gas.
Monitor reliable news sources for evacuation order information and the CRD’s channels on Facebook and Further information will be issued as it becomes available.
For Cariboo Regional District information, please visit or or @CaribooRD or call the CRD’s emergency information line at 1-866-759-4977 (8:30am – 4:30pm daily).

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